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Being cheap at Christmas

Discussion pertaining to the Tri-Cities, Flint, Mt. Pleasant, and Bad Axe
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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by sinklair » Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:02 am

It actually is different. There are companies that provide bonuses, employee gifts, nice staff appreciation parties, profit sharing, etc. Those companies just aren’t named Sinclair.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by Soundchaser » Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:52 pm

sinklair wrote:
Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:12 pm
Lots of friends… so suck on that!

Not sure why you want to continue to bash those of us who barely made enough to live on… while billion dollar media corporations make money off our backs. And when it come to showing a little bit of appreciation, they go cheap on what they call “our most important asset” — its complete BS.
Stink- "Not sure why you want to continue to bash those of us who barely made enough to live on." Stink is always the victim.
Stink- "while billion dollar media corporations make money off our backs. Stink, you work for them. You accepted their offer of employment..
Stink- They go cheap on what they call “our most important asset." Stink is a victim and whiner.

In this type of start up market most people take a job and work hard to get better at their craft so they can move on. You're not doing it for the company, you're doing it for yourself. You're building work ethic, and your character so when the opportunities arrise you will be ready to make a move. It happens at 12, 25 and 5 all the time. I don't know what kind of "journalist" you are or if indeed you are a journalist. But I do know this. Character is one thing you have demostrated not to have over and over again in this forum.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by sinklair » Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:17 pm

Soundchaser: keep your comments to what you know…

The fact is I didn’t go to 25-66 to build character or whatever BS you’re peddling.

I went to work at 25-66 to do a job. A job I expected to be fairly compensated for. It became clear very quickly the the former GM/egomaniac was not interested in paying us a living wage. That’s because Sinclair gives bonuses to its GMs to keep expenses low. They literally have an incentive to not give its employees raises, bonuses, etc.

That’s why so many of us have left. It’s not because we wanted to ho to a different market. It’s because we could only make more money by leaving these idiots behind.

Call it what you will. “Vicrime” isn’t it though. That we advocated for what was right. That done left to pursue better opportunities. It still doesn’t change the fact that the fix is in at 25-66.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by Soundchaser » Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:15 am

sinklair wrote:
Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:17 pm
Soundchaser: keep your comments to what you know…

The fact is I didn’t go to 25-66 to build character or whatever BS you’re peddling.

I went to work at 25-66 to do a job. A job I expected to be fairly compensated for. It became clear very quickly the the former GM/egomaniac was not interested in paying us a living wage. That’s because Sinclair gives bonuses to its GMs to keep expenses low. They literally have an incentive to not give its employees raises, bonuses, etc.

That’s why so many of us have left. It’s not because we wanted to ho to a different market. It’s because we could only make more money by leaving these idiots behind.

Call it what you will. “Vicrime” isn’t it though. That we advocated for what was right. That done left to pursue better opportunities. It still doesn’t change the fact that the fix is in at 25-66.
I only post facts here. Unlike you, I don't deal in hyperbole. Everybody wants to get paid. The fact is this is a start up market. People come here to start their careers and after a contract or 2 or they get experience in whatever job they were performing, they move on to bigger things . A start up market. That's how it works.
You can live in the past as you alway do but that doesn't change the fact that if you want more money you'll have to move to where it is.
As far as "perks" go, I know for a fact (that means truth) that 25 gets way more perks than 12. Even the small things matter (like grilled cheese). I know you can't buy anything with a grilled cheese sandwich but it can be a nice thing. It's better than not having anything done as a nice gesture.
I'm not here to try and stand up for any station. I'm here because you're like a nuisance fly that just won't go away. You don't bring anything to the table. Just a lot of bullshit that has been regurgitated so many times it's become comical.

You are a whiner, you play the victim AND you lack character. Again, truth.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by mr v » Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:56 pm

Mega Hertz wrote:
Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:55 pm
I'm torn.

I get a Christmas bonus. Cash money. I've gotten other cash bonuses as well, yet I hear my co-workers complain that, forget a bonus, just give us a raise. I feel weird because I've never been in a position to be one of the recipients of such things. But I think if one gets it, everyone should.

Just don't pull up in your new Jaguar and tell your employees you don't have the money for it. That's not cool.
A bonus is a one time deal that not multiply as a raise would.
As far as Byron Allen goes, he has someone drive him in his Rolls Royce to one of his many mansions. Not a Jag. But he hasn't enough money for the peons of Flint to get a raise, let alone to get some new co-workers.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by sinklair » Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:44 am

Soundchaser: once again, you’re wrong. Why do you think anyone should have to leave to get a decent wage? That’s an idiotic statement as much as it’s an idiotic business model.

I’m sure you believe that Flint and Saginaw viewers deserve a lower quality standard of journalism than bigger markets, but I don’t. Billion dollar broadcasting conglomerates like Sinclair, Gray, Nexstar can afford to hire and keep veteran talent in any of their markets.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by Herm » Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:56 am

Funny story…
The first WEYI Christmas party, I had to go on my lunch break. As soon as I get there, I go straight over to JB. As we’re exchanging holiday well wishes, I mention that I’m on my lunch break so I should probably grab some food. Without missing a beat, JB says…
“Well shit, you should probably grab a couple of beers too!”

I miss that man.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by Soundchaser » Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:09 am

sinklair wrote:
Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:44 am
Soundchaser: once again, you’re wrong. Why do you think anyone should have to leave to get a decent wage? That’s an idiotic statement as much as it’s an idiotic business model.

I’m sure you believe that Flint and Saginaw viewers deserve a lower quality standard of journalism than bigger markets, but I don’t. Billion dollar broadcasting conglomerates like Sinclair, Gray, Nexstar can afford to hire and keep veteran talent in any of their markets.
Everybody's wrong in your eyes Stink! You're delusional.
There's been a lot of good talent that has come up throught his area. And some remain. But most have done what? Come on Stink! Say it! Moved on to where the money is. Like I said earlier. You're a nuisance fly.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by sinklair » Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:21 am

Not everyone is wrong… just you, Soundchaser. It’s a hard concept for you to understand. But you sound like a management troll.

Journalists who work just as hard as journalists in other markets should make a comparable wage. Not a tough concept. If someone has 20+ years in the business, why should they make pennies to dollars compared to other markets? If someone wants to build a career here in Flint and Saginaw, there should be a way to do do. However, right now, because of the pay structure at 25-66, there is a financial disincentive to stay. Because the company, GMs and News Directors pay so poorly, we are losing good journalists. In the end, that brain drain in front and behind the camera is hurting the quality of the newscasts we provide to our communities.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by Soundchaser » Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:31 pm

sinklair wrote:
Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:21 am
Not everyone is wrong… just you, Soundchaser. It’s a hard concept for you to understand. But you sound like a management troll.

Journalists who work just as hard as journalists in other markets should make a comparable wage. Not a tough concept. If someone has 20+ years in the business, why should they make pennies to dollars compared to other markets? If someone wants to build a career here in Flint and Saginaw, there should be a way to do do. However, right now, because of the pay structure at 25-66, there is a financial disincentive to stay. Because the company, GMs and News Directors pay so poorly, we are losing good journalists. In the end, that brain drain in front and behind the camera is hurting the quality of the newscasts we provide to our communities.
It's just that Stink. A concept. Not based in reality. Much like so much of your ramblings.
You're not going to make Detroit money working in Flint.
This is a start up market. A place to learn the craft. Sorry you stayed to long thinking that didn't apply to you.
And what's this "we" shit you keep referring to when you talk about 25? Your words-"we are losing good journalists."
You don't work there anymore. Once again, you bring nothing to the table except BS.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by sinklair » Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:57 pm

And your credentials are? Why should we believe anything you say.

And the we refers to anyone who cares about good journalism (that clearly excludes you). I didn’t see in the terms and conditions that once I left 25-66 that I had to stop commenting on my former station and my colleagues who still work there.

I was criticized when I was working at 25-66 for “undermining morale” and told I should be quiet and just do my job. That if I hated working there I should look for a new job.

Now that I’ve found new work, I think it’s interesting that many of the same people say that I should move on and not comment on my former station.

Yep, you definitely are management material… talking out of both sides of your butt.

Too bad for you that I just don’t give two craps about your opinion. You can say your perspective… and do can I. If you don’t like it, take your own advice and move on.

Because the more you tell hardworking journalists to just shut up and accept the scraps given to them… the more I’m going to keep posting the hard truths. If you think I’ve been unbearable this far, just wait to see what’s in store for 2023!!!

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by Soundchaser » Tue Dec 20, 2022 5:05 pm

sinklair wrote:
Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:57 pm

"I was criticized when I was working at 25-66 for “undermining morale” and told I should be quiet and just do my job. That if I hated working there I should look for a new job."

As well you should be. There isn't a work place on earth that will put up with that kind of shit from an employee.
You don't run the show. You are employed at their pleasure. You're lucky they didn't fire you.

"Now that I’ve found new work, I think it’s interesting that many of the same people say that I should move on and not comment on my former station."

Most people with a normal functioning brain would be upset for a minute and then move on. You must have a deep seated inferiority complex. This has been going on for years now.

"Yep, you definitely are management material."

Thanks for the compliment! :P :P :P

"Because the more you tell hardworking journalists to just shut up and accept the scraps given to them… the more I’m going to keep posting the hard truths."

The only hard truth here is, while I agree it's nice to get paid, the money is not in this market. It is for a few anchors and old timers, but not for you. You washed out of the game. Gave up. Threw in the towel. Maybe you weren't very good. It's probably better for all invovled that you're gone.

You need to grow up and realize the way things work.
Nobody owes you anything.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by sinklair » Thu Dec 22, 2022 5:15 am

Not from me, but it expresses my thoughts and the thoughts of many of my former colleagues:

“Station groups don’t get it. It’s insulting to receive a quarterly survey on employee satisfaction when the holidays come and go and the employees who make it all run seamlessly feel as appreciated as a piece of gum on the bottom of a shoe. And they wonder why people don’t stay. They actually have to ask how to improve the employee experience. It’s all a smoke screen. The leaders of these news companies aren’t stupid. They know what will improve the employee experience and make people stay in the business. They are unwilling to do that one thing that will get people to stay.”

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by sinklair » Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:28 am

Once again, Sinclair is shown how cheap they are.

They give all of its employees at $50 gift card ($35 after taxes).

Meanwhile up the street at Gray TV’s WNEM, they are all getting bonuses of 3% of their salary. It must be nice to have a corporate owner willing to recognize local employees when they did well financially in 2022 with a big political year.

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Re: Being cheap at Christmas

Post by TheWayItIs » Fri Dec 23, 2022 4:42 pm

Soundchaser wrote:
Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:15 am
sinklair wrote:
Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:17 pm
Soundchaser: keep your comments to what you know…

The fact is I didn’t go to 25-66 to build character or whatever BS you’re peddling.

I went to work at 25-66 to do a job. A job I expected to be fairly compensated for. It became clear very quickly the the former GM/egomaniac was not interested in paying us a living wage. That’s because Sinclair gives bonuses to its GMs to keep expenses low. They literally have an incentive to not give its employees raises, bonuses, etc.

That’s why so many of us have left. It’s not because we wanted to ho to a different market. It’s because we could only make more money by leaving these idiots behind.

Call it what you will. “Vicrime” isn’t it though. That we advocated for what was right. That done left to pursue better opportunities. It still doesn’t change the fact that the fix is in at 25-66.
I only post facts here. Unlike you, I don't deal in hyperbole. Everybody wants to get paid. The fact is this is a start up market. People come here to start their careers and after a contract or 2 or they get experience in whatever job they were performing, they move on to bigger things . A start up market. That's how it works.
You can live in the past as you alway do but that doesn't change the fact that if you want more money you'll have to move to where it is.
As far as "perks" go, I know for a fact (that means truth) that 25 gets way more perks than 12. Even the small things matter (like grilled cheese). I know you can't buy anything with a grilled cheese sandwich but it can be a nice thing. It's better than not having anything done as a nice gesture.
I'm not here to try and stand up for any station. I'm here because you're like a nuisance fly that just won't go away. You don't bring anything to the table. Just a lot of bullshit that has been regurgitated so many times it's become comical.

You are a whiner, you play the victim AND you lack character. Again, truth.

I think it says a lot about this industry when a top 100 market is considered a “starter market”. It never used to be that way…

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