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1812, 1812

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1812, 1812

Unread post by SolarMax »

Just saw a break in which both Gardner-White Furniture and Detroit Area Honda Dealers Memorial Day sale event spots both use the 1812 Overture as bed music. The G-W spots are actually the legacy Art Van ones, so maybe they get dibs on using this public-domain theme in the Detroit market.
Honor our war heroes by buying furniture and cars, marketed with music by a Russian composer, that commemorates the defeat of a French general.
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Re: 1812, 1812

Unread post by moldyoldie »

SolarMax wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 11:53 pm Just saw a break in which both Gardner-White Furniture and Detroit Area Honda Dealers Memorial Day sale event spots both use the 1812 Overture as bed music. The G-W spots are actually the legacy Art Van ones, so maybe they get dibs on using this public-domain theme in the Detroit market.
Honor our war heroes by buying furniture and cars, marketed with music by a Russian composer, that commemorates the defeat of a French general.
I hear ya, but ask 95%+ of the general furniture or car buying public if they know the title, who composed it, and what it commemorates. A few may actually know the title, but think it commemorates America's War of 1812. :rolleyes I'm sure several of a certain age may hear it as that Quaker puffed rice music! :razz :lol
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Re: 1812, 1812

Unread post by SolarMax »

Mainly thought it was funny hearing the same cliché music track for similar events in the same break.
Advertising geniuses thinking alike, inside the same box.
I had forgotten about Quaker's "Shot from Guns" puffed wheat/rice.
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Re: 1812, 1812

Unread post by paul8539 »

Maybe they are thinking that that is what you want to do in bed.
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