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Fox facing mass lawsuits for fake news reporting on coronavirus

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JackAttack FM
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Fox facing mass lawsuits for fake news reporting on coronavirus

Post by JackAttack FM » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:14 pm

The Fake News Channel, known to some as "Fox News," is bracing for lawsuits for intentionally reported that the coronavirus pandemic was a hoax to re-impeach Trump. It again proves the conservative media in this country is the real, "fake news." ... n-lawsuits

Last month the Rupert Murdoch owned network cancelled Trish Regan's show and fired her after she hosted a show with the topic, "Coronavirus Impeachment Scam."

She was among several talent at the Fake News Channel, including Trump sycophant Sean Hannity and his primetime clown show, that were saying the epidemic was not a public health threat but, a political witchhunt. All while Murdoch had cancelled his 89th birthday party over fears of the coronavirus. ... arials-she

Now Fake News host Laura Ingram with ZERO medical or scientific training, she was a speechwriter and has a law degree, wants the head of the CDC fired because he thinks the antimalarial drug is not a cure. Something that contradicted Trump's thinking.

Its clear Fake News is doing what amounts to, 'wrongly yelling "FIRE" in a theater' and their reporting under the guise of a news outlet has no constitutional protection.

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Re: Fox facing mass lawsuits for fake news reporting on coronavirus

Post by bmw » Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:33 pm

This is some of the worst punctuation and grammar I've seen on this board in a while. This was very difficult to follow.

Is your grammar and use of punctuation normally that bad, or are you so seething-at-the-mouth angry at Fox News that you can barely type out your thoughts?

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Re: Fox facing mass lawsuits for fake news reporting on coronavirus

Post by TC Talks » Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:29 pm

bmw wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:33 pm
This is some of the worst punctuation and grammar I've seen on this board in a while. This was very difficult to follow.

Is your grammar and use of punctuation normally that bad, or are you so seething-at-the-mouth angry at Fox News that you can barely type out your thoughts?
Great come back... I hope Fox gets lots of attention for the bullshit they have been slinging.
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Re: Fox facing mass lawsuits for fake news reporting on coronavirus

Post by bmw » Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:39 pm

See - there's this thing in the Constitution known as Freedom of the Press. If I'm not mistaken, I believe it might even be part of the very first amendment.

So now not only are Americans losing their most basic Constitutional rights as a result of the the whim of state governors, now even TV networks have to worry about being sued for what they say?

This is not the United States of America that I want to live in. Our country is crumbling faster than the Detroit Lions with a 4th quarter lead.

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Re: Fox facing mass lawsuits for fake news reporting on coronavirus

Post by MWmetalhead » Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:27 am

Sean Hannity is full of shit. He only changed course on the virus after the White House began taking a much more serious tone on the virus.

That said, the lawsuits being filed against Fox News are ridiculous. These suits aren't being filed by those who suffered fatal consequences from the virus; they are being filed by special interest groups whose donors are likely anonymous.
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Re: Fox facing mass lawsuits for fake news reporting on coronavirus

Post by TC Shuts Up » Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:44 am

Over the last four years, Fox News has exposed a lot of lies that the other networks were reporting. I don't remember the other networks being sued.

Much of what Fox News is saying now will be proven to be fact when the coronavirus dust finally settles. In particular, what they have reported on the origin of the Chinese virus, which originated in...China. There is strong evidence that this was developed and modified in a Biological WMD laboratory in CHINA. The only thing that will be controversial now is whether it was accidentally or deliberately released. Given the timing, right after the failed Impeachment vote, which was right after the admission that there was no Russian Collusion, which was right after all the crap that they threw at Trump for the last four years that didn't work. After all the crap that has been thrown at Trump over what has been now four or more years, who can blame his supporters for thinking it was one more attack or hoax when there were a few at most cases in the US? Even Joe Biden apologized to Trump for criticizing stopping air travelers from CHINA to the US as "racist".
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Re: Fox facing mass lawsuits for fake news reporting on coronavirus

Post by MWmetalhead » Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:03 pm

Actually, CNN, NBC and others *have* been sued.

Remember the Catholic high school student from the Cincinnati area that was defamed?
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