death to 'doorbusters'

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death to 'doorbusters'

Unread post by kager »

Time to excise this term from advertising.
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Calvert DeForest
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Re: death to 'doorbusters'

Unread post by Calvert DeForest »

I've always viewed that word with a negative connotation. It conjures up an image of people breaking down doors and rushing aisles to save a few bucks on this item or that before the "limited supply" disappears.

Black Friday is a marketing myth that has been dis-proven in multiple retail studies. Prices are actually better around mid-October when retailers clear inventory to make room for new shipments ahead of the Christmas shopping season. Not to mention the whole idea behind Black Friday is basically bait-and-switch. Get customers in the store with temporary deals on limited-supply items that they may not be able to get if the supply runs out. Once in the store the customer can be directed to a similar item at a higher price. Customer doesn't want to leave empty-handed, so the item moves and the store makes the sale.

To quote the late Doug's an illusion!
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Ed Joseph
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Re: death to 'doorbusters'

Unread post by Ed Joseph »

Another I wouldn't care if I never heard again is "____palooza".
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