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Your opinion, please

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Mega Hertz
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Re: Your opinion, please

Post by Mega Hertz » Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:46 am

To be honest, I've had to withdraw from social media for a few days. The rhetoric is just killing me. "Trump farts, supporters say it smells better than the time Obama farted". They can't tell you why it's a good fart, but that it's a Republican fart and Obama's fart stunk worse. "I don't have time to care about the fart because I was too busy working..."

It's amazing...For how bad Obama supposedly left the economy, and how he left the job market in shambles, there sure are a lot of people that didn't march because they had to march to work.

This whole dog and pony show is making my brain hurt. While the march was happening here in Ann Arbor, I made it a point to stop and shake hands with every officer of the law and thank them for their service. I refused to take any pictures or post any signs that were derogatory of President Trump or any that said "Not My President".

I feel like disrespect has become the order of the day. And that's just sad. Maybe I was raised different, I don't know. But this nitpicking stuff...If I have to hear ONE MORE Time the difference in attendance of the inauguration, I, myself, will run in 2024, and NOBODY is gonna want that. Yeah, Obama made us the laughing stock of the world. Surely, you jest. All one needs to do is take a look at the people of this country. We demand such high quality from our leaders, yet bicker like brothers that have to share the backyard with friends. I'll tell you, if I can stay sober through all this, then nobody else has an excuse.

"Internet is no more like radio than intravenous feeding is like fine dining."

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Re: Your opinion, please

Post by audiophile » Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:04 pm

True, no one really cares how many attended either scenario.

The only place it matters is the voting booth.
Ask not what your country can do FOR you; ask what they are about to do TO YOU!!

Y M Ionhere
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Re: Your opinion, please

Post by Y M Ionhere » Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:07 pm

NS8401 wrote:
Y M Ionhere wrote:
NS8401 wrote:
Y M Ionhere wrote:
NS8401 wrote:
Bryce wrote:
Calvert DeForest wrote: One thing that gives me hope about the new president is his negotiation skills. Ronald Reagan, love him or hate him, was able to reach across the aisle and compromise. At the end of the day he could have a beer with Tip O'Neil and hammer things out.
Unfortunately Calvert, these are different times. In the Reagan era, the House and the Senate weren't populated with Democrats that were left wing loons and radicals. Part of the reason Reagan could sit down with Tip O'Neil was because of Tip O'Neil. I don't see the same thing happening with the likes of Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders.

Republicans may have to fight to win and forget negotiations. Sort of like what the left did on Christmas Eve seven years ago. There wasn't any deal making or compromise. Remember? "Elections have consequences. We won".
Unfortunately Bryce the right is filled with loons and wackos... you're not winning the argument by pretending one side is sane and the other isn't... it's not so...
Like who?
There is nobody on the right as radical, far from the center, and delusional as Bernie. Even Ted Cruz is closer to the center than Bernie.
Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter, Michelle Bachmann, Marsha Blackburn, Steve King, Steve Scalise... plenty of folks who say whacked out things and have whacked out ideas and that's not even getting into the religious far right... please don't bother pretending one side is sane and one is insane... both are freakin nuts... so you understand I'm not a Democrat per se... over time I've become more of a left leaning libertarian...
Malkin and coulter are pundits and part of their job is to exaggerate with hyperbole. I always thought that Coulter was laughing all the way to bank that people took her seriously.
On a similar note, let me ask this. why are there NO moderates left in the Democratic party? Every position they take is left of center. Not true of all Republicans. Conservatives have criticisized Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval for being a "RINO". Theyve said he straddles the left on a lot of issues. Mass. Governor Charlie Baker is a moderate, not far from the center-though that may be out of neccesity in such a blue state. Even Rick Snyder is more concerned about results than party. He did not endorse a candidate and looks at things from a results-oriented approach, not whether or not it boosts his party. Socially he has a moderate streak. Maine Sen. Susan Collins is also more moderate and sometimes helps the Democrats. Where are the Democrats who sometimes lean slightly right on an issue or two? Where are openly pro-life Democrats?
Elements of the Republican party are moving further right, sure. Bachmann is an example. But they still have moderates that sometimes cross over or straddle the center, and never have a position too far to the right. Are there any Democrats that always take moderate stances and even some borderline conservatives? thats why I say that the Democratic party is far more left than the Republicans are right. They all subscribe to every position of the party. Some republicans stray toward the center or mild left.
Manchin, Heitkamp, Stabenow, Peters, Tester... none of them qualify as remotely Sanders level liberals... they are all moderates... The house has been mostly by Republicans 8 ways to Sunday so it isn't as good a measure of moderate or not for either party... since all the few Democratic lock districts are concentrated with Democrats you are going to elect a blue dog as easily. Such are the spoils of 2/3rds of the governors mansions and state legislators being under Republican control. The party has never had more power than it does right now. Literally the Democrats have a few legislatures, 20 governorships and the senate filibuster. Everything else is bright red... the flip side is that they had better deliver because there's nobody to scapegoat if there is a failure...
I've always thought of Stabenow as the typical partisan, party-line Democrat along the lines of Granholm. People may think that Peters' background in finance makes him sound more Conservative, but there are actually a lot of people on the left who are in that field. On just about everything, he's a liberal. I'm yet to see a centrist of slightly Conservative position he has taken.
I had not heard of Heitkamp, so I needed to look her up. She is the kind that I admittedly did not think existed any more. I wouldn't be surprised if she moved to the left in the near future, either out of pressure from the party, or just to keep her political career. One also must ask if her location plays a role. She is from a more Conservative area that is reliant on the energy industry.

as a Democrat, where do you stand on Obama? I hear people who are left of center saying that he is a centrist or even Conservative. i don't know if i could ever comprehend this. He isnt as full-out socialist as Sanders, but he also seems to be very supportive of things that hurt capitalism and the free market. His environmental policies, taxation, and health care all strike me as restrictive on job growth. Ive heard about health care companies shutting down and those who survived have limited their options. I believe his gas mileage standards are more restrictive to automakers, and ultimately to consumers who have to pay more and have fewer choices. He is not for government taking over most aspects of the economy, but he wanted them to have some degree of control over them. He is on tape saying he supports single-payer healthcare and there are unsubstantiated claims that he told a conservative college faculty member that he doesnt think citizens should own guns.
Where would you put Elizabeth warren and Tulsi Gabbard in relation to Obama and Sanders on the scale?

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Calvert DeForest
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Re: Your opinion, please

Post by Calvert DeForest » Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:32 pm

Mega Hertz wrote:To be honest, I've had to withdraw from social media for a few days. The rhetoric is just killing me. "Trump farts, supporters say it smells better than the time Obama farted". They can't tell you why it's a good fart, but that it's a Republican fart and Obama's fart stunk worse. "I don't have time to care about the fart because I was too busy working..."

It's amazing...For how bad Obama supposedly left the economy, and how he left the job market in shambles, there sure are a lot of people that didn't march because they had to march to work.

This whole dog and pony show is making my brain hurt. While the march was happening here in Ann Arbor, I made it a point to stop and shake hands with every officer of the law and thank them for their service. I refused to take any pictures or post any signs that were derogatory of President Trump or any that said "Not My President".

I feel like disrespect has become the order of the day. And that's just sad. Maybe I was raised different, I don't know. But this nitpicking stuff...If I have to hear ONE MORE Time the difference in attendance of the inauguration, I, myself, will run in 2024, and NOBODY is gonna want that. Yeah, Obama made us the laughing stock of the world. Surely, you jest. All one needs to do is take a look at the people of this country. We demand such high quality from our leaders, yet bicker like brothers that have to share the backyard with friends. I'll tell you, if I can stay sober through all this, then nobody else has an excuse.
I nominate that for post of the week!

I have noticed an alarming epidemic in our society since the rise of the internet, and especially since the rise of social media. I can only call it a collective narcissism. Granted, people have always wanted to make their voices heard, but in many ways, that desire has risen to a level of self-importance I don't remember prior to the last 25 or so years (the very fact that I'm posting this to be read by anyone in the world shows that I too have been affected). It should come as no surprise that this past election cycle was headlined by two of the most narcissistic candidates we've seen in recent time, nor should it surprise us that the most overtly-narcissistic of the two was elected. Donald Trump is our own reflection magnified 1000 times. Those who love him and hate him alike crave the opportunity to be loud.

I'm not saying that there aren't real problems in our nation....certainly there are. I once heard it said, however, that 99% of any one person's problems in life are of his/her creation. I think many of create our own conflicts because they give us something to vocalize. What's different today is that we have the ethernet cable as a means of telling the world that we exist.

I'm also not diminishing the importance of voicing one's opinion. That's what we do here. In many respects, though, I think we've gone overboard as a society in our individual needs for recognition and validation. Many people seek knock-down-drag-out confrontations for the excitement and thrill of "winning the game" and showing superiority over the other guy. If the 16 months we just went through isn't a perfect example, I don't know what is. The art of listening and understanding has given way to the desire to be heard. Our egos have been slowly coaxed out of the woodwork by this wonderful technological toy that connects us instantly to the rest of the world. We have a president who utilizes Twitter more than any predecessor, posting remarks that gain him maximum attention. Again, is that such a surprise to us?

Sometimes the amount of data flying in and out of my brain on a daily basis is overwhelming and exhausting. A few months back, I decided to remedy my mental fatigue by taking an hour a day without any electronic connectivity. I read, pray, meditate, or sometimes just sit with a cup of coffee and stare out the window. What I've experienced as a result is a noticeable increase in energy and mood, as well as a decrease in anger and anxiety. I feel more relaxed. The world doesn't bother me so much, and many of the things I thought of as major problems have become minor obstacles. I have also experienced a greater appreciation and thankfulness for what I do have, focusing less on myself and more on those around me. These days, I tend to talk less and listen more (this rant aside of course). :razz

Sometimes life if meant to be boring. We've become accustomed to having our brains stimulated around the clock. A good workout is healthy, but nobody was meant to live at the gym 24/7, let alone show off their buff physiques for everyone to admire.
Shortwave is the ORIGINAL satellite radio.

Deleted User 8570

Re: Your opinion, please

Post by Deleted User 8570 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:52 pm

Y M Ionhere wrote:
NS8401 wrote:
Y M Ionhere wrote:
NS8401 wrote:
Y M Ionhere wrote:
NS8401 wrote:
Bryce wrote:
Calvert DeForest wrote: One thing that gives me hope about the new president is his negotiation skills. Ronald Reagan, love him or hate him, was able to reach across the aisle and compromise. At the end of the day he could have a beer with Tip O'Neil and hammer things out.
Unfortunately Calvert, these are different times. In the Reagan era, the House and the Senate weren't populated with Democrats that were left wing loons and radicals. Part of the reason Reagan could sit down with Tip O'Neil was because of Tip O'Neil. I don't see the same thing happening with the likes of Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders.

Republicans may have to fight to win and forget negotiations. Sort of like what the left did on Christmas Eve seven years ago. There wasn't any deal making or compromise. Remember? "Elections have consequences. We won".
Unfortunately Bryce the right is filled with loons and wackos... you're not winning the argument by pretending one side is sane and the other isn't... it's not so...
Like who?
There is nobody on the right as radical, far from the center, and delusional as Bernie. Even Ted Cruz is closer to the center than Bernie.
Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter, Michelle Bachmann, Marsha Blackburn, Steve King, Steve Scalise... plenty of folks who say whacked out things and have whacked out ideas and that's not even getting into the religious far right... please don't bother pretending one side is sane and one is insane... both are freakin nuts... so you understand I'm not a Democrat per se... over time I've become more of a left leaning libertarian...
Malkin and coulter are pundits and part of their job is to exaggerate with hyperbole. I always thought that Coulter was laughing all the way to bank that people took her seriously.
On a similar note, let me ask this. why are there NO moderates left in the Democratic party? Every position they take is left of center. Not true of all Republicans. Conservatives have criticisized Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval for being a "RINO". Theyve said he straddles the left on a lot of issues. Mass. Governor Charlie Baker is a moderate, not far from the center-though that may be out of neccesity in such a blue state. Even Rick Snyder is more concerned about results than party. He did not endorse a candidate and looks at things from a results-oriented approach, not whether or not it boosts his party. Socially he has a moderate streak. Maine Sen. Susan Collins is also more moderate and sometimes helps the Democrats. Where are the Democrats who sometimes lean slightly right on an issue or two? Where are openly pro-life Democrats?
Elements of the Republican party are moving further right, sure. Bachmann is an example. But they still have moderates that sometimes cross over or straddle the center, and never have a position too far to the right. Are there any Democrats that always take moderate stances and even some borderline conservatives? thats why I say that the Democratic party is far more left than the Republicans are right. They all subscribe to every position of the party. Some republicans stray toward the center or mild left.
Manchin, Heitkamp, Stabenow, Peters, Tester... none of them qualify as remotely Sanders level liberals... they are all moderates... The house has been mostly by Republicans 8 ways to Sunday so it isn't as good a measure of moderate or not for either party... since all the few Democratic lock districts are concentrated with Democrats you are going to elect a blue dog as easily. Such are the spoils of 2/3rds of the governors mansions and state legislators being under Republican control. The party has never had more power than it does right now. Literally the Democrats have a few legislatures, 20 governorships and the senate filibuster. Everything else is bright red... the flip side is that they had better deliver because there's nobody to scapegoat if there is a failure...
I've always thought of Stabenow as the typical partisan, party-line Democrat along the lines of Granholm. People may think that Peters' background in finance makes him sound more Conservative, but there are actually a lot of people on the left who are in that field. On just about everything, he's a liberal. I'm yet to see a centrist of slightly Conservative position he has taken.
I had not heard of Heitkamp, so I needed to look her up. She is the kind that I admittedly did not think existed any more. I wouldn't be surprised if she moved to the left in the near future, either out of pressure from the party, or just to keep her political career. One also must ask if her location plays a role. She is from a more Conservative area that is reliant on the energy industry.

as a Democrat, where do you stand on Obama? I hear people who are left of center saying that he is a centrist or even Conservative. i don't know if i could ever comprehend this. He isnt as full-out socialist as Sanders, but he also seems to be very supportive of things that hurt capitalism and the free market. His environmental policies, taxation, and health care all strike me as restrictive on job growth. Ive heard about health care companies shutting down and those who survived have limited their options. I believe his gas mileage standards are more restrictive to automakers, and ultimately to consumers who have to pay more and have fewer choices. He is not for government taking over most aspects of the economy, but he wanted them to have some degree of control over them. He is on tape saying he supports single-payer healthcare and there are unsubstantiated claims that he told a conservative college faculty member that he doesnt think citizens should own guns.
Where would you put Elizabeth warren and Tulsi Gabbard in relation to Obama and Sanders on the scale?
Obama is center left... those others you mention are Progressives (the lefts version of folks calling themselves conservatives) and they are a far different animal than Obama ever was. Kind of like what HW Bush would be to Ted Cruz.... moderate vs. Conservative...

Mega Hertz
Posts: 4311
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Location: Brighton

Re: Your opinion, please

Post by Mega Hertz » Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:17 pm

Calvert DeForest wrote:
Mega Hertz wrote:To be honest, I've had to withdraw from social media for a few days. The rhetoric is just killing me. "Trump farts, supporters say it smells better than the time Obama farted". They can't tell you why it's a good fart, but that it's a Republican fart and Obama's fart stunk worse. "I don't have time to care about the fart because I was too busy working..."

It's amazing...For how bad Obama supposedly left the economy, and how he left the job market in shambles, there sure are a lot of people that didn't march because they had to march to work.

This whole dog and pony show is making my brain hurt. While the march was happening here in Ann Arbor, I made it a point to stop and shake hands with every officer of the law and thank them for their service. I refused to take any pictures or post any signs that were derogatory of President Trump or any that said "Not My President".

I feel like disrespect has become the order of the day. And that's just sad. Maybe I was raised different, I don't know. But this nitpicking stuff...If I have to hear ONE MORE Time the difference in attendance of the inauguration, I, myself, will run in 2024, and NOBODY is gonna want that. Yeah, Obama made us the laughing stock of the world. Surely, you jest. All one needs to do is take a look at the people of this country. We demand such high quality from our leaders, yet bicker like brothers that have to share the backyard with friends. I'll tell you, if I can stay sober through all this, then nobody else has an excuse.
I nominate that for post of the week!

I have noticed an alarming epidemic in our society since the rise of the internet, and especially since the rise of social media. I can only call it a collective narcissism. Granted, people have always wanted to make their voices heard, but in many ways, that desire has risen to a level of self-importance I don't remember prior to the last 25 or so years (the very fact that I'm posting this to be read by anyone in the world shows that I too have been affected). It should come as no surprise that this past election cycle was headlined by two of the most narcissistic candidates we've seen in recent time, nor should it surprise us that the most overtly-narcissistic of the two was elected. Donald Trump is our own reflection magnified 1000 times. Those who love him and hate him alike crave the opportunity to be loud.

I'm not saying that there aren't real problems in our nation....certainly there are. I once heard it said, however, that 99% of any one person's problems in life are of his/her creation. I think many of create our own conflicts because they give us something to vocalize. What's different today is that we have the ethernet cable as a means of telling the world that we exist.

I'm also not diminishing the importance of voicing one's opinion. That's what we do here. In many respects, though, I think we've gone overboard as a society in our individual needs for recognition and validation. Many people seek knock-down-drag-out confrontations for the excitement and thrill of "winning the game" and showing superiority over the other guy. If the 16 months we just went through isn't a perfect example, I don't know what is. The art of listening and understanding has given way to the desire to be heard. Our egos have been slowly coaxed out of the woodwork by this wonderful technological toy that connects us instantly to the rest of the world. We have a president who utilizes Twitter more than any predecessor, posting remarks that gain him maximum attention. Again, is that such a surprise to us?

Sometimes the amount of data flying in and out of my brain on a daily basis is overwhelming and exhausting. A few months back, I decided to remedy my mental fatigue by taking an hour a day without any electronic connectivity. I read, pray, meditate, or sometimes just sit with a cup of coffee and stare out the window. What I've experienced as a result is a noticeable increase in energy and mood, as well as a decrease in anger and anxiety. I feel more relaxed. The world doesn't bother me so much, and many of the things I thought of as major problems have become minor obstacles. I have also experienced a greater appreciation and thankfulness for what I do have, focusing less on myself and more on those around me. These days, I tend to talk less and listen more (this rant aside of course). :razz

Sometimes life if meant to be boring. We've become accustomed to having our brains stimulated around the clock. A good workout is healthy, but nobody was meant to live at the gym 24/7, let alone show off their buff physiques for everyone to admire.
You know what I call that, Cal? "Yeah, but..." Syndrome. When your guy does it, it's okay. But when the table is turned, and the other guy does it, it's wrong. When confronted with it, the retort usually starts with "yeah, but...". I agree with the "winning at all costs" portion of your post more than anything.

"Raping your mom and murdering children is okay, says president". It's AWESOME, because MY guy said it! YOUR guy said feeding the homeless was the right thing to do! What a dick! What a jerk! I'll disrespect him, but you have to respect MY guy!

Lewis Black said it best, "There has to come a point when Republicans and Democrats, see a piece of footage, and just agree on what the fuck reality is. You can't show a video of a cat getting run over by a land rover, and then say the cat was trying to kill itself".

Lots of trolling happening these days. It's amazing how everything can be a "fact". Brietbart news says THIS is a fact. Liberal Examiner says THAT is a fact. And then here come the lemmings..."Yeah, but when HE did it..."

That meditation...It really does work wonders. A few moments of peace is a beautiful thing. It's nice to have some time during the day when my brain doesn't hurt.
"Internet is no more like radio than intravenous feeding is like fine dining."

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Calvert DeForest
Posts: 781
Joined: Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:14 pm
Location: The corner of US-16 and M-78

Re: Your opinion, please

Post by Calvert DeForest » Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:03 pm

Mega Hertz wrote:You know what I call that, Cal? "Yeah, but..." Syndrome. When your guy does it, it's okay. But when the table is turned, and the other guy does it, it's wrong. When confronted with it, the retort usually starts with "yeah, but...". I agree with the "winning at all costs" portion of your post more than anything.

"Raping your mom and murdering children is okay, says president". It's AWESOME, because MY guy said it! YOUR guy said feeding the homeless was the right thing to do! What a dick! What a jerk! I'll disrespect him, but you have to respect MY guy!

Lewis Black said it best, "There has to come a point when Republicans and Democrats, see a piece of footage, and just agree on what the fuck reality is. You can't show a video of a cat getting run over by a land rover, and then say the cat was trying to kill itself".

Lots of trolling happening these days. It's amazing how everything can be a "fact". Brietbart news says THIS is a fact. Liberal Examiner says THAT is a fact. And then here come the lemmings..."Yeah, but when HE did it..."

That meditation...It really does work wonders. A few moments of peace is a beautiful thing. It's nice to have some time during the day when my brain doesn't hurt.
To quote Krusty the Clown in the voting booth:

Well, Sideshow Bob DID try to kill me....but man, I'm achin' for that upper-class tax cut!

Big Lewis Black fan. Sad thing is, they'd look at the video these days and say Cat? What Cat? I don't see a cat!
Shortwave is the ORIGINAL satellite radio.

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