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Radio GPT-DOA?

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Radio GPT-DOA?

Post by otrfan » Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:41 pm

So I spent about an hour listening to Radio-GPT's sample programming. It's a pretend oldies station in Springfield. Which Springfield? Who knows..
Aside from if it's listenable or not it has one big economic flaw. IMO.
It relies heavily on liners between songs promoting local things of interest. The economic flaw is that if I were a station operator I'd have to pay someone to create that copy for the A.I. voices to read. Ok, if I'm going to pay a human to create the content, why don't I just have that same human cut the voice track for that liner. Depending on market size, I could hire anyone from a high school kid with a decent speaking voice to a seasoned pro who wants to pick up some extra cash.

Programming wise, I also found that while the voices for the most part sound human, they lack the ability to change inflection. For example, the A.I. voice read a humorous story about people wearing masks in the workplace not for COVID but so that you can't tell the ugly people from the beautiful people. It's to make the workplace good looks neutral.

The problem is it was missing that hint of sarcasm that would normally accompany such a story. Instead it was read in a very bright matter of fact tone. Like"wow isn't that great".?

I think the folks who work on A.I. need to develop a couple of new voices like "Sarcastic Sam or Bitchy Brenda."

That joke might have went over better if it were read by the A.I. version of Lewis Black or Wanda Sykes.

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Calvert DeForest
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Re: Radio GPT-DOA?

Post by Calvert DeForest » Sat Jun 17, 2023 4:11 pm

It's the Springfield where the Simpson family resides (drumroll).

Can't say as I'm terribly impressed with Radio GPI from the demo I heard. Sure it can do a lot of things. Question is can it do them well? An AI jock might be able to compile and project words, but it doesn't have a human intuition for what it's saying and how it relates to people. You can tell AI a joke is supposed to be funny, but it doesn't understand why it's funny or what funny is. That takes a human.

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