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Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

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Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by MWmetalhead » Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:42 am

This time, it is the CEO of the Daystar television network, seen locally in Metro Detroit over the air on WUDT channel 23: ... rtbeat-flt ... l-freedom/

What a dumb fuck...

Had DIABETES yet refused to get vaccinated.

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by bmw » Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:41 am

Where are you reading that he was not vaccinated? Neither article says he was not vaccinated, and both also say that the spokesman for Daystar declined to comment on whether he was vaccinated. BTW, I searched youtube for Marcus Lamb and vaccine and cannot find any clips of him specifically talking about the vaccine. I also google searched the same and cannot locate a single quote directly attributed to him. All I can find is a bunch of news articles all basically running with the same language - that of tying him to the beliefs of other hosts and guests on the network without actually specifically pointing to anything HE has said.

So as such, I can't find any evidence whatsoever either confirming his vaccination status or confirming that he specifically (and not just other people on his network) was against the vaccine (let alone the specifics of his beliefs).

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by bmw » Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:52 am

Let's say he was unvaccinated though. A broader question I have is, when did ridiculing people as being stupid who make poor choices in life become a thing? (or worse yet, rooting for them suffer? I know you backtracked from that in the past but others in here have not). Perhaps I'm too young to remember a time when this may have happened in the past, but there is a LOT of poor choices people make in life that ultimately lead to their death, and unvaccinated people dying from Covid is the first time I've seen this phenomenon. For example, I've never once seen someone who died from lung cancer from smoking or from liver failure tied to alcoholism called "a dumb fuck." Smoking in particular, which we've known for many decades now can kill you, took decades to figure out that that was the case. The Covid vaccine hasn't even been out for a year, yet we're very nastily ridiculing people (and this has been going on almost since the vaccine came out) who choose not to get it. So what is it about not getting the Covid vaccine in particular that opens people up to this ridicule that doesn't open up millions of other people to the same public treatment?

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by zzand » Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:00 am

When you consider the network he founded and broadcast on spent hours, yes hours, slamming the vaccine and having anti vaxxers as speakers, "experts" and so on, it is a safe bet he didn't get the jabs. As for shaming the anti vaxxers, why not? They slam those who get the jabs so a dose of their own medicine is called for.

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by audiophile » Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:05 am

Good points BMW.

The mRNA vaccines were developed to fight cancer, but the problem with them is they cause autoimmune responses where the body starts attacking healthy cells.

I'm not saying that will happen with the Covid versions, but we only have a year's worth of data.

PS I have watched Daystar on occasion, I have not seen any anti-vax content.
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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by bmw » Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:53 am

zzand - I've never once seen even the most extreme anti-vaxxers slam those who get the vaccine. Their criticism is usually aimed at the government, the politicians who run it, and the companies who profit off the vaccines. They typically view (as flawed as the viewpoint may be) people who choose to get vaccinated as victims of one or more of those aforementioned entities.

As to Marcus Lamb - this is still nothing more than guilt by association fueled by speculation. He may well have been unvaccinated and may well have spouted anti-vaccine conspiracies on TV; all I'm saying is despite my best efforts, I cannot find any direct evidence of this being the case. As an aside, people who own media outlets don't always necessarily agree with the viewpoints of the various hosts/guests of those outlets. Quite frankly, I find it highly irresponsible (or at least very lazy) the way this particular story is being run by the outlets who are running it.

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by zzand » Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:09 am

Then you are lucky. I have seen on TV, cable news networks, and in print anti vaxxers slamming the sheep who have gotten the jabs. Not only was he an owner, he was a host who was very anti vax on air. Not sure why this has gotten under your skin but you need to take a deep breath and clam down.

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by bmw » Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:11 am

All I want to see is some specific things he said. That's all I'm asking for. Then I can form an opinion. But I'm not going to sit here and slam someone based on hearsay and speculation.

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by MWmetalhead » Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:07 am

Every single news report, including those from the conservative NY Post and various Christian media services, identify him as staunchly anti-vaccine for COVID.

In the off chance he DID get the jab and he withheld that info, that makes him dishonest.

We're talking about an asshole, by the way, who tried to use PPP loan proceeds to buy a private jet.
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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by bmw » Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:38 am

I just want a quote. I want to know specifically what he's said. He's a TV personality. Not one news source can track down any specific things he has said? There are a lot of reasons people are against the vaccine. I would want to know specifically what his were before making a judgment here. I don't think that's unreasonable.

And what does using a loan to buy a private jet have ANYTHING to do with this conversation? Are you suggesting that people you deem as "bad" people for other reasons somehow are more deserving of a Covid death than are "good" people? That's like saying "Oh, that guy? He was an asshole. He deserved his lung cancer." I have no idea what one has to do with the other.

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by learn to fly » Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:48 am

"Never close the book of your life, God hasn’t finished writing your story."

Marcus Lamb

oh, wait.

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by MWmetalhead » Wed Dec 01, 2021 12:23 pm

The point I was attempting to make, bmw, is he appears to be an unethical dude, and karma can be a bitch.
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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by bmw » Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:37 pm

MWmetalhead wrote:
Wed Dec 01, 2021 12:23 pm
The point I was attempting to make, bmw, is he appears to be an unethical dude, and karma can be a bitch.
After reading up on your allegation of him allegedly using PPP loan funds to fund a private jet, I'm going to call at worst, utter BS on that allegation (and at best, unproven).
The luxury aircraft, which Lamb says they got for less than half the market value, holds up to 14 passengers. Lamb says Daystar was able to buy the jet with proceeds from an investment and the sale of its old jet, not by using government PPP money. ... -jet-63725

Moreover, the church, presumably because of the negative press they were receiving, paid back the entire 3.9 million dollar loan (with interest). I don't believe they had any legal obligation to do that. That to me proves that they didn't use the loan funds to buy the jet; otherwise, they wouldn't have had the money to instantly pay back the loan - especially for a multi-million dollar aircraft.

Bad optics? Perhaps.
Pete Evans is an investigator with the Trinity Foundation, a church watchdog group.

“They got millions of dollars from the government and then they spent millions of dollars on a private jet. It just looks bad,” Evans told Inside Edition.
Got any more unproven allegations to trample on this guy's grave with?

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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by MWmetalhead » Wed Dec 01, 2021 3:36 pm

I was just going off what I read in news reports regarding the jet.

I am quite certain I am correct with regard to his stance on the COVID-19 vaccine. Any diabetic who does not have a history of severe vaccination reaction and who refuses to get vaccinated is a moron, plain and simple.
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Re: Another anti-vaxx right wing media idiot dies from COVID

Post by bmw » Wed Dec 01, 2021 3:59 pm

I've said all along that there are vulnerable people who should probably get vaccinated. Diabetes seems to be a significant underlying condition. NOW, if he has been preaching that vulnerable people should not get vaccinated, then I will concede that he would have opened himself up to criticism. Not saying I would necessarily completely agree with said criticism, but I would accept is as fair. But thus far I haven't seen a shred of evidence that he was doing that. Not saying he didn't, but again, I'm not going to criticize him based on hearsay and speculation.

My gripe, as it has going all the way back to Herman Cain, has been with mocking a dead person as an idiot. It is my personal belief that mocking dead people for their poor life decisions does not reflect well upon humanity in general. We don't mock smokers for dying from lung cancer. We don't mock alcoholics for dying from liver failure. We don't mock people who die from heart attacks that come as a result of poor diet and exercise. I could go on and on. In all those instances, those people KNOW that they're making bad decisions that may shorten their life, but they still make those decisions anyways. And millions of them every year pay the consequences. But we don't treat them after death like this. There is something unique about Covid vaccination and the decision to not get one that just seems to bring the worst out of a lot of people who wouldn't say these same things about people in the other groups I mentioned, and I don't get it.

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