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Bias in online journalism

Discussion pertaining to the Tri-Cities, Flint, Mt. Pleasant, and Bad Axe
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Bias in online journalism

Post by sinklair » Sat Nov 27, 2021 12:36 pm

There used to be a rule at 25-66 that if you wouldn’t say something on air, you shouldn’t write it online. Hence, we had the same journalistic standards for broadcast that we had for our digital channels. That rule seems to have been thrown out by 25-66’s current In Over Her Head News Director and Digital Content Director.

Look at many of our posts. They aren’t about local news or any original reporting. Instead we are posting to our Facebook and other social media platforms hot button issues aimed solely at increasing social media “engagement” — likes, comments, shares, click throughs, etc. — without regard to fairness, balance, accuracy or any other tenant of responsible journalism.

If you look at the comments section, you’ll find out falsehoods and attacks on fellow posters with no attempt to correct false information or provide s productive exchange of ideas or opinions.

It is sad that 25-66 (and other stations) are willing to throw away their journalistic responsibilities to bolster Facebook and other social media platforms that have a well-documented history of stoking racial, economic and societal inequalities.

We must do better.

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by sinklair » Sun Nov 28, 2021 3:35 am

Apparently Dave doesn’t appreciate when someone says we can do better, so he did what he always does and posts his complaint online:

“Bring it on haters. The more you hate, the more I grow. Love it. #keepingitreal”

But this is what I’m talking about. Instead on keeping his posts focused on journalism, he delves into opinion. That’s not what we need to grow as a station. However Dave seems to get a free pass from our In Over Her Head News Director when it comes to staying on topic how we cover local news on all our platforms. As a member of the 25-66 “news leadership team”, Dave should be advocating for higher ethical standards on our digital channels.

Deleted User 15555

Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by Deleted User 15555 » Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:01 am

Dave’s social posts have taken a specific tone lately. And Dave is better than that.

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by sinklair » Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:32 am

BTS: agreed. I think Dave is trying to be more confrontational.

Journalism isn’t about false equivalency. We don’t give hate speech the same platform as those who oppose it. When talking about controversial topics, to use a phrase Sinclair likes to use a lot (but rarely lives up to), it’s our responsibility to provide context, depth and perspective.

On social media where anyone can pass along falsehoods, we have a responsibility to correct the record.

My former boss (who I greatly respected) challenged our stories, saying there was a difference between facts and opinion. If someone misstates a fact, we have a responsibility as journalists to correct it. Unfortunately, we don’t hold those same standards anymore on 25-66’s station or talent social media pages.

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by sinklair » Mon Nov 29, 2021 6:45 am

Instead of showing both sides to the argument, Mr. “Keeping It Real” went on his usual Facebook rant, saying in a series of posts to his Facebook followers:

“Some people have no life. I’m loving every day”

“Screw the haters”

“Oh yeah the haters give me more motivation. They are people who are sometimes narcissist who just sit behind a chair and are not successful themselves so they like to bash others”

So, instead of addressing the actual issue, Dave, our In Over Her Head News Director, and 25-66 management feel it’s OK to go on a Facebook rant on a station talent page by one of our best known news anchors to make a personal attack. I can guarantee you that Dave will get away with this while others at the station would be disciplined (as they should) when expressing personal views about the coverage of a “news” story.

Dave continues his rant by saying:

“It seems like there is some who don’t like it because they believe that threatens their narrative or what they believe in. Journalism is not about a narrative. Journalism is about reporting information”

Here’s where Dave and I agree. Journalism is about reporting facts. Both sides. Equally and fairly. He’s just not doing that. He’s teeing up topics with the sole purpose of getting emotional reactions from our viewers without moderating for truthfulness and accuracy.

However, at least one Facebook poster understood the argument that Dave is trying his very hardest to ignore:

“If you really pay attention he (Dave Bondy) covers one side more than the other and definitely likes to report stories that rile people up so he can garner a lot of comments.”

I just don’t blame Dave. This is s failure of 25-66 management for not providing more training and direction about how we are to use these social media platforms. At the end of the day, it’s meant to be a way for us to connect our journalism with our audience. But these days, there’s little journalism involved. And our “brand” instead becomes one viewer attacking other viewers.

It’s so incredibly wrong, but all Dave and our In Over Her Head News Director care about is growing social media numbers… so nothing will change.

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by sinklair » Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:19 am

It’s been a very bad week for Dave Bondy. And it’s only getting worse with the unwanted attention his personal views are bringing to 25-66. ... the-parler

Dave used to be Mr. Down the Middle of the Road, Fair, Balanced. Bill Harris handed over the keys to the kingdom making Bondy the face of the station.

Since then, he has jumped off the deep end. He drinks the Sinclair Kool Ade. He’s now joining right wing conspiracy platforms like Parler… claiming it’s about a free speech decision… and ignoring the website’s shady reputation for being a place where fake news is regularly shared.

Is this the guy we want leading us? Many people on Pierson Road are now questioning why Dave is allowed to further damage our already impaired reputation and why our In Over Her Head News Director does absolutely nothing to reign him in.

By watching Dave on air, he is frequently ill-prepared for his broadcasts, making many mistakes. It’s because he’s far too consumed with building his personal newsletter, his personal YouTube channel with episodes of “Dishes with Dave”, and seeking out the most divisive national topics to post on his personal social media channels to improve his social media score.

In addition to being our main news anchor, Dave is the station’s digital manager. But it’s clear Dave has an all-about-me focus.

Most anchors are involved in several community outreach activities aimed at improving our connections. Not Dave… unless it’s a personal project.

Bill must be regretting his decision to leave the station in the hands of clowns like Dave and Neille Ann.

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by sinklair » Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:30 am

Dave also believes he’s an amateur comic, using TikTok to “interview” Rosie the dog.

Not a good look for our main anchor.

Not sure I’ve ever seen Bill Harris on TikTok or interviewing a dog or sharing his personal views about Twitter’s terms of use.

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by MasterB » Fri Dec 03, 2021 1:08 am

Dave a suck up to 25-66 management Sinklair I'm sure you'd be a great main anchor at the station? If management ever sees your talent.
Go Pistons, Let's Go Redwings.

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by sinklair » Sat Dec 04, 2021 12:51 am

MasterB: maybe, or maybe not. But we all should just stop passing along opinion as news.

This week, (on Wednesday,) Dave posted this:

DAVE BONDY: “This is the booking photo of Oxford school shooting suspect Ethan Crumbley. I am only going to post this one time. I do not want to make this person a hero. He is a teen accused of killing four students and wounding many more. Story: ... oting-case

Journalism used to be about reporting, not withholding information. Dave, his bestie at the station, and our In Over Her Head News Director think by making public statements that they won’t name the shooter they are winning political points with viewers. Let’s be clear: they’re not.

If Dave really believed that, he wouldn’t have posted EIGHT stories using the suspect’s name in the hours leading up to his proclamation.

And since then, in our newscasts we have used Ethan Crumbly’s name in our coverage on air and online. Dave has continued to share articles that have Ethan Crumbly’s name. In local and national stories (NBC, FOX, and Sinclair stories) aired on our stations, Ethan Crumbly’s name has continued to be aired. Why? Because it’s part of the WHO in reporting the who-what-when-where-why-how that we learned in the very first journalism classes we took.

Then, today, Dave (or should I start calling him mid-Michigan’s low budget John Walsh?) took over his Facebook feed with eight posts on charges and the manhunt for Ethan Crumbly’s parents:

DAVE BONDY: “Send this out everywhere. The Crumble’s attorney says they are going to turn themselves in. The Sheriff, the FBI and U.S Marshall’s say the manhunt continues. Story: ... rd-shooter

If Dave actually believed his stance on not publishing Ethan Crumbly’s name, wouldn’t that also apply to his parents and the alleged role they played in providing their son with the gun used in this crime?

That’s why his position on not naming Ethan Crumbly is nonsensical. Crumbly’s crimes that he’s charged with and that of his parents are news. By reporting the crimes they are charged with, we aren’t making them out to be heroes. Quite the opposite.

Our job is to report. Full stop. End of story. Dave and others on their high horse in the newsroom should just do their damn jobs and stop editorializing. They’ve become a joke in the newsroom when they bash the “media”, not realizing they are equally as bad.

And in his initial proclamation, Dave says he wants to focus on the victims. So how many stories on the victims has he posted in his Facebook feed since then? None.

‘Nuff said. Actions (or lack thereof) speak louder than words on Facebook posts.

Deleted User 15555

Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by Deleted User 15555 » Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:07 am

Lucky for mid Michigan Dave reminded everyone to put down their phone today and enjoy life. He did that while shooting a video on his phone.

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by sinklair » Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:15 am

Then he posted that everyone should follow him on Parler… what he calls a “free speech site”.

When someone dared to point out that Parler has been criticized for allowing hate speech and conspiracy theories, the same free speech loving Mr. Bondy attacked the poster and allowed his online goon squad to do the same.

Dave has changed. In the last two years, he’s fallen off the deep end. He’s a self promoter. He is no longer someone anyone in the 25-66 newsroom wants to associate with. And our In Over Her Head News Director just turns a blind eye to Dave’s activity.

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by Mike » Mon Dec 06, 2021 6:40 am

Any chance it's not merely that he's acting this way as a performative show to endear himself to the so-called bosses, that in fact these are the views he's had all along (with or without the Sinclair effect) and now he's felt like going all-in with them?

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by sinklair » Mon Dec 06, 2021 7:52 am

Mike: very possible. But Dave claims to be a journalist and with that comes responsibility to not spread disinformation.

A follow up post says:

DAVE BONDY: “ Hello all, Just a reminder to please be respectful to other people and their comments. I will never shy away from any topic but I won’t tolerate bullying, profanity or bullying. I get thousands of comments and can’t police all of them. I try my best. If any of you have concerns about another person on my page please message me immediately and I will address it. I value all of you and will do my best to keep the peace.”

I’m glad Dave mentioned bullying twice. All he has to do is scroll down and find personal attacks. Has he banned any of those fans? Nope.

I’ll give Dave some credit though… he’s being (rightfully so) criticized for joining Parler, but is allowing the free flow of ideas from viewers who see the move for what it is.

“ Sorry Dave Bondy… no Parler for me! Too many Trashy lies for me!”

“ Tried it, lasted less than an hour. I found it to be the epitome of immeasurable ignorance and paranoia.”

“Threats & bullying are a “free flow of ideas”?”

“ Parler (/ˈpɑːrlər/) is an American microblogging and social networking service. It has a significant user base of Donald Trump supporters, conservatives, conspiracy theorists, and far-right extremists. Posts on the service often contain far-right content, antisemitism, and conspiracy theories such as QAnon. Sounds like it's a good fit for the majority of your Facebook followers.”

“ Dave Bondy The content you share may be unbiased, but I think the point was that your use of that platform shows which way you lean personally.”

“Freedom of speech is great, but I don't want to join a page where actually attacking people is allowed”

There’s a lot of posts defending Dave’s decision as well… and a lot of personal attacks which Dave considers fair game, I guess. (Dave did delete about 4 of the more than 300 posts for violating his community standards… not enough if you ask me.)

For the record, I don’t think we should be on Parler… or Facebook… or Twitter… or any social media platform that allows the passing along of false information, especially by commenters who don’t have the same responsibility for fact checking.

But this is a far cry from the Dave who actually spoke in glowing terms at a Facebook conference several years back

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Re: Bias in online journalism

Post by paul8539 » Sun Feb 20, 2022 2:14 am

What media is NOT biased?

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