They're held to a different standard. That's why they seek political protection for their specific behavior. So much for "equality." Jussie Smollett anyone?G G wrote: ↑Wed Apr 28, 2021 1:45 pm My group had been following these creeps for a long, long time.
Trans Lifeline was a charity set up by two trannies as a way to help other trannies who are suicidal because they have special needs that normal suicide lines or even LGBT-focused crisis hotlines supposedly cannot deal with. Among these needs is that TLL staff cannot call first responders for suicidal individuals. Because of the special needs of trannies, the American Association of Suicidology would not certify them. Nonetheless, they would receive donations, even from celebrities such as Miley Cyrus.
Problems were apparent from get-go. A budget published by the organization seemed to make no sense. The budget included incredible spending for travel and other things unnecessary for a charity set up to answer calls. Then, despite the charity receiving donations and relying on a volunteer workforce, calls went unanswered. The problem was so profound that you could run searches on twitter and find trannies whining they couldn't get through to TLL. At one point they had a counter for the number of volunteers available and often it was only 1-2 people. But the charity was started by 2 people, which meant that they probably weren't even helping out with calls. Still, they were collecting an increasing number of donations.
The annual reports were showing H*** growth for the charity. They were pulling in hundreds of thousands of dollars, but still running into the same problems, only budgeting for unnecessary items continued to grow. At one point, the founders were pulled over driving through a border patrol checkpoint, and one of the founders was hauled in because they lacked correct paperwork. Soon after, they moved operations from cheaper Chicago to incredibly expensive San Francisco. We sent letters to the state pointing these things out! Ignored because they were trannies and it wouldn't fit the agenda.
FINALLY! It was discovered that these two had misappropriated almost $400,000! But no charges were filed and the organization acknowledged they were more interested in restorative justice.
The moral of this story is that people excuse the actions of trannies because they are trannies. Trannies can literally steal from a suicide hotline charity and be forgiven for it.
People who don't hold trannies to the same standards as everyone else need to smarten up.
Oh, and they're not "trannies." They're mentally ill. Want to see more misappropriation of funds? Put Special Olympic participants in charge of a credit card. That's what you're seeing here.
The reason why they're suicidal is because they're mentally ill. Most of them can't get a date, so they seek attention by daring behavior.