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The Mentally ill-egitimate President

Debate and discussion of current events and political issues across the U.S. and throughout the World. Be forewarned -- this forum is NOT for the intellectually weak or those of you with thin skins. Don't come crying to me if you become the subject of ridicule. **Board Administrator reserves the right to revoke posting privileges based on my sole discretion**
screen glare
Posts: 2778
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:05 am

The Mentally ill-egitimate President

Post by screen glare » Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:48 am

Can you imagine what four more years of Trump will be - once Vladimir Putin re-installs his puppet? First we’ll have to endure the wanna-be Mad King Don yelling at reporters that his inaugural crowd size was the largest. We’ll also have to watch slant-eyed porn wife and the rest of his embarrassing brood acting like they care about something other than money. Later we’ll see - the personification of STDs - dancing with “Melanie” - in their love charade. And starting next day - you’ll awake to a Tweet storm of lies, insults, and conspiracy theories, copious rounds of golf, and plans to fly to some enemy country and lick the d—- of its dictator. And don’t forget he’ll man the deathwatch for RBG, John Lewis, and - if HE steps out of line - little Lindsay Graham - symbolically speaking. Over years remaining he’ll continue to isolate us from our allies, break kid’s hearts, break the laws, and do everything he can dream of to further divide America. All the while conning the gullible and fearful, dog-whistling fellow racists, and relishing how stupid his right wing rally rats are.

Can’t wait to be dragged deeper into his frenetic demented chaotic version of our country. While all his dirty-working yes men are further convicted - and dragged off to jail.

Another four years of every day being all about compromised Trump. And how well he served Vlad Putin - who is always on the phone.

Deleted User 14896

Re: The Mentally ill-egitimate President

Post by Deleted User 14896 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:51 am

Well, the Democrats need to quit using their heads for self proctology, and nominate someone that can beat him. They and the liberal medial want to keep cheerleading Biden or Warren or Bernie. I just don't see those three pulling it off.

Trump can effectively paint Biden as a touchee-feelie pervert.
Whether it's right or wrong, there's enough video for an effective smear.
You see Biden already getting heckled at rallies. And you can see it ruffles him pretty good.

Warren lied. Yes it was only about her ancestry.
But we know Trump will be blowing out Twitter calling her "Liar Liar pants on fire". And Trump would technically be right.
Yeah, it's not a big deal lie. But she did lie. All he has to do is plant that seed, and his faithful will listen.

Bernie is Bernie. No matter how good his ideas are, he looks and acts like Dr. Emmett Brown in Back to the Future.
He can easily be portrayed as a whacko.
And Bernie's policies are enough to tank him. All Trump got to do is start saying "Who's going to pay for all this?".
Nobody on either side of the fence wants to hear about having to reach into their wallet, even if it needs to be done.

Only the liberal media are the ones saying any of these three have a chance.
There is no way anyone that voted for Trump in 2016 is going to vote for one of these three in 2020.
And there's no way anyone that voted for Clinton in 2016 is going to vote for Trump in 2020.
All the voters are currently entrenched in where they was in 2016.

So how do the Democrats start nibbling on the other side?

The Democrats need new young blood. Someone that isn't going to just preach to the choir. Someone that will dazzle and baffle the lemmings on the other side. One of the things I like about Gabbard is she gets on Fox (the enemy's camp) and tickles the conservative ear. That's what's needed to beat this president. Not preach the same lame liberal party policies that lost the White House in 2016.

Me personally, I think it should be Gabbard or Buttigieg. And the reason is because they both served.
That's a lot of low hanging fruit that can be grabbed from the other side in my opinion. Political ads of them in combat gear, rough tough ready for the task. That kind of stuff. I think it can sway vets currently on Donald's side of the fence. And that's what the Democratic nominee needs to do.

Like I said earlier, I believe the Democratic nominee will already have everyone that voted for Clinton in 2016, no matter who it is, and no matter what they say. Work the other side. Get on Fox. Bend some. Tell the other side what they want to hear. (So once you're elected, you throw out everything you said. That's politics).

And in the same vein, I like Gabbard talking "Why are we involved over there?"
It's not the kind of thing politicians and journalist who never served want to hear.
But it is the sort of thing that resonates with vets who actually saw combat, who actually were under fire.

Please feel free to shoot holes in my missive, critique what I have said. Tell me why it's not genetic my eyes are brown.

screen glare
Posts: 2778
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:05 am

Re: The Mentally ill-egitimate President

Post by screen glare » Tue Dec 31, 2019 8:37 am

Most military combat veterans are men. You address their likes and dislikes throughout your commentary. Yet it will be women who decide Trump’s reelection. If Putin does not interfere again.

On the other hand - if Putin interferes again then he will decide.

Only this time he’ll be even more direct, effective, and sophisticated because over the last four years - given free reign to do so - Putin and his large well funded cyber warfare comrades have figured out how to change vote totals. And of course to cover their tracks they’ll do it so that the slightest change is what places Trump over the top. Little changes - here and there - and just enough to win.

Y M Ionhere
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Re: The Mentally ill-egitimate President

Post by Y M Ionhere » Tue Dec 31, 2019 11:09 am

screen glare wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2019 8:37 am
Most military combat veterans are men. You address their likes and dislikes throughout your commentary. Yet it will be women who decide Trump’s reelection. If Putin does not interfere again.

On the other hand - if Putin interferes again then he will decide.

Only this time he’ll be even more direct, effective, and sophisticated because over the last four years - given free reign to do so - Putin and his large well funded cyber warfare comrades have figured out how to change vote totals. And of course to cover their tracks they’ll do it so that the slightest change is what places Trump over the top. Little changes - here and there - and just enough to win.
Putin didnt interfere and alter the election the first time around you ass clown
If youre going to troll for partisan talking points at least tell the damn truth and dont post made up bullshit.

Posts: 3666
Joined: Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:09 pm

Re: The Mentally ill-egitimate President

Post by km1125 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:52 pm

screen glare wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2019 8:37 am

Only this time he’ll be even more direct, effective, and sophisticated because over the last four years - given free reign to do so - Putin and his large well funded cyber warfare comrades have figured out how to change vote totals. And of course to cover their tracks they’ll do it so that the slightest change is what places Trump over the top. Little changes - here and there - and just enough to win.
Putin did what he did from 2012 to 2016 because folks in DC were more concerned about being PC than guarding our borders, both physically and digitally.

Deleted User 14896

Re: The Mentally ill-egitimate President

Post by Deleted User 14896 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 4:37 pm

Y M Ionhere wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2019 11:09 am
Putin didnt interfere and alter the election the first time …
This we are in agreement about.
I have never been convinced that this actually happened.
It's all, to me anyway, heresy, innuendoes, and opinion.
A well used talking point for debates and political roundtables.
But has anyone actually proved it happened?

Deleted User 14896

Re: The Mentally ill-egitimate President

Post by Deleted User 14896 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 5:03 pm

screen glare wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2019 8:37 am
Most military combat veterans are men. You address their likes and dislikes throughout your commentary. Yet it will be women who decide Trump’s reelection. If Putin does not interfere again.
Screen, you need to convince me how the women who voted for Trump in 2016 can be swayed into voting for whoever the Democratic candidate may be in 2020. What can the Democratic nominee do and say to change their minds from voting for Trump again?

Like I said in the other post, none of the voters have changed their mind about which side they are on.
Those who voted for Clinton will vote for the Democratic nominee.
Those who voted for Trump will vote for Trump again.

I don't see that changing unless the Democratic nominee starts working the other side of the fence. And those in his or her party (and the liberal media) should sit down, shut up, don't whine, and let the nominee go for what I have been calling the low-hanging fruit on the other side. Appease them. Tickle their ears. Let the nominee become a Fox Pal. Swim towards the middle some with policy. Bend a bit on gun control. Bend a bit on single-payer health care. All they got to do is get in the White House. Once elected, throw all that dazzle and baffle out the window. This is America. Most Americans forget what politicians promised when they are running pretty quickly. Especially if the press don't bring it up.

In my totally unprofessional opinion, it's the only way for the Democrats to win the White House.

screen glare
Posts: 2778
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:05 am

Re: The Mentally ill-egitimate President

Post by screen glare » Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:50 am

The only way for somebody but Trump to win is if Putin does not interfere with our free elections. The bedrock (along with a free press) of our form of government.

If Putin does not interfere - then someone else can win. And that person will have a chance due to:

worsening symptoms of Trump’s mental illness - which will start to SCARE THE HELL out of the very same people who were once amused by his words and behaviors.

Most Americans look at Trump’s “instability”, volatility, fits of rage, defiances, mean spirited rants and knee jerk reactions, taunts, bullying, pronouncements of entitlement, lack of empathy and sympathy, telling lies with alacrity, denigration of heroism and self sacrifice, abuse of children and others who are weak or sick, extreme cowardice, rampant projection - and they don’t connect it to mental illness. They believe it’s free entertainment. Or a tendency over which he has control.

He does not have control.

He is controlled by the illness. Which is highly predictable by psychological professionals.

That is why Putin uses Trump with ease. He understands Narcissistic Personality DISORDER. As former KGB he had Trump’s psychological profile combined with his NPD symptom progression identified years ago. Trump is Putin’s puppet. His perfect Manchurian candidate - to lead America to destruction “from within” - as Soviet (KGB) leadership publicly vowed to the world decades ago.

So women voters - look for Trump to intensify his scare tactics. And if you thought him lovable - suddenly realize - he’s a dangerous threat to you and your families.

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