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LGB vs T

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Re: LGB vs T

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:00 pm

MisterT wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:42 pm
Wow! I was gone for a day (because I have a life) and we're at three pages on this thread! lovinlife has twisted her/himself into a pretzel trying to explain away the truth. It was really hard to follow anything you wrote because it made no sense, but that is not new. What we do know is that you have a sick fascination with LGBT people. What we don't know, is why.

Here is a little education coming from an actual person who happens to be gay as it seems multiple trolls are confused, but I'm starting to believe these are just multiple accounts by lovinlife.

So here we go!

1. At birth, you have anatomical sex organs. There is a penis or a vagina. Some people are born intersex, which can require a corrective surgery. Yep, "God" does not have a template for people like you wish they did. There are millions of combinations of DNA that form us into the unique individuals that we are (woah, science, I know, see the climate change thread lol). That means there are many shapes and sizes of people, its not black and white and sometimes humans don't turn out like the majority of everyone else. While you may anatomically have "male" or "female" parts, your might find yourself feeling like you're in the wrong body or your gender does not match the sex organs you have. There is an innate disconnect of identity versus what you were anatomically born with. For example, think if you were born with brown hair and you just knew your whole life that you were only meant to have red hair, that is the internal struggle that our trans brother's and sister's have to deal with on a daily basis. I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy, would you? Being born into the wrong body sounds awful. But you are demented lovinlife and think that only white and straight men and women are entitled to happiness so I get that.

2. Separate from "male" or "Female" sex organs is the concept of gender. Gender is a recent social construct. In other parts of the world there are three or more genders. In Indian, and Native American culture for example, people who identify as a third gender are even revered for their unique attributes. I'm sure lovinlife never took a sociology class or world history, and is blindly ignorant to any cultures outside of his/her american bigotry and close mindedness. Given that gender is simply an identity, this is solidifies my point that trans people may be born with a penis, and are anatomically male, but identify as a woman or another gender. Thinking that you can only identify as a the gender that matches up to what is in your pants is simply refusing to acknowledge that western culture currently only adheres to a two gender binary that has only been around for the last few hundred years in our modern society. Read an educational book and not a religious one or one written by Bill O'Reilly aka fiction.

Many trans people opt for sexual re-assignment surgery so that they can have body parts that match their gender identity. Is that so bad? To have your body match the way you feel on the inside? Who are you to tell someone that just because they were born with a penis that they must identify as a man? Who are you to tell people what they can do with their body, i thought conservatives were supposed to want government out of their personal lives. If you don't like gay or trans people, that is your problem, don't think it entitles you to push your beliefs on others.

3. I was born with a penis and have always identified as a man, who happens to be attracted to men as well, so if you must put a label on it, I would be gay. Just like trans people who knew at birth that they were meant to be a man or a woman or another gender despite what they were born with, I always was attracted to men. It was the only attraction that came naturally to me. I and many other people spend years wasting our lives trying to force ourselves to be hetero and it just does not work, sexual attraction is simply not something you can change. So to say that every time I'm hooking up with a man, I'm choosing that as if being straight were an option, you're just a fucking idiot.

4. Sexuality is fluid for many people, its a spectrum. Nothing is black or white. This is where being bi comes into play. You simply are entitled to fuck whomever you want. Seems like lovinlife has never had any sex which is prob why he/she insists that no one else can be happy. We have the same creator. I'm at least happy with my life and lovinlife appears to not want anyone else to be happy which I would assume is because you're a miserable loser!

I hope this helps!
I hope you got out all of your ignorance in your diatribe (look it up) but sadly, I’m sure you’ll say more ignorant things that will need to be corrected by me, but hey, THIS IS FUN!!!

One thing said is correct, most people are born with a pee pee or a POONTANG! Science doesn’t care how you “feel.” You can “feel” anyway you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that every chromosome in your DNA is XX or XY.

You have a sex and skin color assigned at birth. You can identify as anything you want, but it doesn’t change nature. Do you think people “internally struggle” because the sky is blue instead or orange or that they’re 50 years old instead of 20?

The idea of “gender” is purely a social construct. Most would identify people with penises who act normal as “male.” They identify people with penises who go to Cher concerts, have limp wrists, and speak in a forced upper register over-pronouncing the “s” sound with a lisp as “gay.” They identify people with POONTANGS and shaved heads, overweight, who wear lumberjack flannel as “lesbian.” ALL. SOCIAL. CONSTRUCTS!

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Re: LGB vs T

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:26 pm

MisterT wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:55 pm
Lol, per usual your post is unintelligible, childish and makes no sense. It also does not logically refute any of the facts that I posted. You seem to only know potty talk and some conservative buzzwords. It speaks for itself and is clear for anyone to see. I'll just leave it there, it seems most people on this forum understand that you're woefully ill informed on numerous topics and simply function as an annoyance to get attention in lieu of having any actual intelligence. The best thing to do when children are just being loud to get attention and not making sense it to ignore them. So I think I'll stop giving you the satisfaction. You can't fix stupid! Enjoy being a low life lunatic!
“Potty talk”? Coming from someone who gets used and uses other multiple sexual partners as toilets, that’s saying something!

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Re: LGB vs T

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:14 am

MisterT wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:08 am
Lol, lovinlife, you continuously prove my point as you post your fascination with gay sex when no one brought it up, typical closet case behavior. You know we will accept you if you want to come out buddy. Did you know that men have a g-spot in their ass and women don't? Jealous? Anal sex is incredibly enjoyable for gay and straight couples alike! I've been in a committed relationship with my partner for over six years, what about you? Straight sex can be pretty icky too if you ask me, but I'm not here to pass judgement. At the end of the day, I'm happy for anyone that gets laid and I think we know who is lacking in that dept.
Your kind is extremely efficient. And upside down barstool serves four!

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Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:53 am

Re: LGB vs T

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 12:41 pm

MisterT wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:55 am
Thanks! We all bleed the same, not sure what kind you're talking about. What kind are you?
Bleed the same?

I don’t from my butt!

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Re: LGB vs T

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:12 pm

MisterT wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:08 am
Lol, lovinlife, you continuously prove my point as you post your fascination with gay sex when no one brought it up, typical closet case behavior. You know we will accept you if you want to come out buddy. Did you know that men have a g-spot in their ass and women don't? Jealous? Anal sex is incredibly enjoyable for gay and straight couples alike! I've been in a committed relationship with my partner for over six years, what about you? Straight sex can be pretty icky too if you ask me, but I'm not here to pass judgement. At the end of the day, I'm happy for anyone that gets laid and I think we know who is lacking in that dept.
What if I’m a closet straight person or ex-gay?

Oh, you don’t believe in that.

I am who I am and I’m proud of that, but for some reason you want me to say I’m straight or “come out” as gay then start a pride parade, run around in a g-string and unicorn headdress peeing and pooping on people while attending a Cher concert.

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Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:53 am

Re: LGB vs T

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:50 pm

MisterT wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:06 pm
It was the Cher concert. Too far?

Posts: 6164
Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:53 am

Re: LGB vs T

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:55 pm

MisterT wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:08 am
Did you know that men have a g-spot in their ass and women don't?

The g-spot, or Grafenberg spot (named after a German gynecologist) exists only in the female vagina. #science

:rollin :rollin :rollin

Seriously, if you want to step to this, you’re going to have to being more than what you’ve got.

I’ve taught English as a second language to children in third world countries, and they’re more intelligent and articulate than you.


I don’t support slavery, but I just OWNED you!!!

:rollin :rollin :rollin

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Re: LGB vs T

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 5:31 pm

MisterT wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2020 5:09 pm ... pot-google

Consider yourself enlightened. You're welcome!
A self-proclaimed liberal publication is hardly an authority on science.

Ernst Gräfenberg made the g-spot discovery, and it wasn’t in your rear, unlike where you got that idea from.

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