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A Call to Action-25th Amendment

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A Call to Action-25th Amendment

Post by MotorCityRadioFreak » Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:25 pm

There is a system called "Resistbot" that will draft a letter on your behalf to urge your state rep, U.S. Congress member, and senator to use their powers to support the 25th amendment to remove President Trump. Text the word "25th" to 50409 to start the process. God Bless America.

They/them, non-binary and proud.

Remember that “2000 Mules” was concocted by a circus of elephants.
The right needs to stop worry about what’s between people’s legs. Instead, they should focus on what’s between their ears.
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TC Talks
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Re: A Call to Action-25th Amendment

Post by TC Talks » Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:31 pm

Trump's staff and many Republicans have climbed on board.
Some Republican lawmakers on Thursday joined a chorus of Democrats calling for the removal of President Trump from office for his role in inciting a riotous mob to storm the U.S. Capitol.

They did not, however, say if they would support impeaching the president, as Speaker Nancy Pelosi had threatened if Vice President Mike Pence and Mr. Trump’s cabinet failed to strip the president of his powers by invoking the 25th Amendment.

Representative Adam Kinzinger, Republican of Illinois and the first Republican lawmaker to call for invoking the 25th Amendment after the riot, said that Mr. Trump had “abdicated his duty to protect the American people” by inciting an “insurrection.”

“The president has become unmoored, not just from his duty, or even his oath, but from reality itself,” Mr. Kinzinger, an early opponent of efforts to subvert the results of the election, said in a video posted on Twitter. “It is time to invoke the 25th Amendment and end this nightmare.”

Gov. Larry Hogan, Republican of Maryland and a frequent critic of President Trump within his party, echoed those calls.

“I think there’s no question that America would be better off if the president would resign or be removed from office,” Mr. Hogan said in a news conference addressing the violence. “Enough of the lies. Enough of the hate. Enough of the total dysfunction. Just, enough.”

Representative Steve Stivers, Republican of Ohio, said that he also supported stripping Mr. Trump of his powers through the 25th Amendment. He did not rule out supporting impeachment but argued that Congress could not remove the president through the impeachment process in the time remaining in Mr. Trump’s term.

“The cabinet decides on the 25th Amendment, and if the cabinet decided to do that, I would not oppose it,” Mr. Stivers, a former chairman of the House Republican campaign arm, said in a television appearance. “I do not believe that an impeachment can happen in 13 days.”
For Kristian Trumpers are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
-Romans 16:18

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Robert Faygo
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Re: A Call to Action-25th Amendment

Post by Robert Faygo » Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:13 pm

Seems to me the opportunity to invoke the 25th was to do so almost immediately. The longer they wait, the more reluctant the cabinet will be to set that kind of precedent in their waning hours- and the more questionable taking such action becomes. The whole idea is now just devolving into political posturing vs the chance of serious action being taken.

The 25th wasn't crafted to be something that requires debate and delay.

The real opportunity might be to impeach him, with a fair hearing in the House, after Jan 20 and then request a conviction from the Senate with the rare punishment of banning him from ever again holding public office.

Maybe a swift censure would be a better idea while he still holds office.
Wellllll... la de frickin da

Deleted User 15475

Re: A Call to Action-25th Amendment

Post by Deleted User 15475 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:10 am

This exercise should of been put into motion after Charlottesville . "There are good people on both sides"

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Re: A Call to Action-25th Amendment

Post by screen glare » Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:23 am

Ever notice how often words fail R Bedell and causes a retreat to cartoons?

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Re: A Call to Action-25th Amendment

Post by screen glare » Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:34 am

I believe Pence alone is preventing the 25th amendment from being executed.

He and Mother only took the VP job as a short cut to his own presidential ambition. He never imagined Trump would turn on such loyal co horts.

However now that Trump has - Pence and Mother must readjust - in order to cling to their vision of President and First Lady.

Pence does NOT want to be in a position of only a “president-for-days” - pardoning or not pardoning Trump.

Pence wants to run next time around as the VP who had no legal choice but to follow the US Constitution - suffer Trump’s hatred - and by doing so appeal to Trump’s voters AND non-Trump Republicans and independents - when he announces his future presidential bid.

Deleted User 15475

Re: A Call to Action-25th Amendment

Post by Deleted User 15475 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:06 pm

Will "mother" let him run?

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