It seems as the statements made by Trump are based in fact. I notice no one is calling him a liar, just a racist.
Is Baltimore a dangerous city as Trump contends? According to the FBI, the 2018 murder rate was the highest in the nation. Sounds dangerous to me.
Rat infested? Orkin lists Baltimore as number 9 in the nation.
Poorly run city? According to Bernie Sanders:
Add to that the worst school system in Maryland.“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders said during a 2015 visit reported by the Baltimore Sun. “You would think that you were in a Third World Country
"Fourteen Baltimore neighborhoods have lower life expectancies than North Korea,” the Washington Post reported. “Eight are doing worse than Syria."
Trashy? According to a Baltimore Sun Editorial; "Food containers, balled up clothes, paper, banana peels, plastic bags and tons of other pieces of litter line the shoulders of roads, pile up in alleys and are strewn across fields and yards,"
So, it looks like Trump called it how it is. How is that considered to be racist? Or, is it impossible to criticize black Democrat politicians and black cities ran by Democrats?