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A Gynecologist Joke

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:39 pm
by Turkeytop
A gynecologist was waiting for his final patient of the day to arrive for her 4:00 PM appointment. Four o’clock came but the patient hadn’t arrived. By 4:15 she still hadn’t showed up and it seemed that she wouldn’t keep her appointment.

Since he had no more patients for that day, the Doctor decided to call it a day and made himself a drink. Just as he was taking his first sip, the woman came rushing in, apologizing for being late. She said it had been a hectic day and the traffic had been heavy on the way over.

The Doctor told her he was having a drink and asked if she would like one to relax her. She said yes, so he made a drink for her. While they were having their drink the Doctor heard a car pull in. He looked out the window and said “It’s my wife. Quick. Take off all your clothes and spread your legs. Or else she’ll think we’re up to something.”

Re: A Gynecologist Joke

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:57 pm
by Deleted User 15924
Doctor's wife to the patient:
"What's up?"