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Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

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Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu May 28, 2020 11:06 am

Here it is. Oh, and it's "too many," not "to many." They must have fired an editor at TV5.

"If you’re condemning the rioting in Minnesota... if you’re claiming the media is creating racial tension... if you believe there are good people that are white supremacists... then you... are a racist. It’s that simple. If you are that person that is looking for an excuse to dislike or justify what’s happening to black Americans... you’re a racist. If this post I am writing this morning has already offended you... you are a racist. I am sorry. I can no longer see it any other way. Just in my forty years (almost) on this planet, to many Americans have been harmed by hate and racism. This country was founded on a principle that we are all created equal. None of us white folks... including women and the LGBTQ community... can ever comprehend what black Americans endure in this country. None! Don’t tell me you can, cause it’s not debatable. We are so privileged in our every day lives that we never have to fear leaving our homes. As a member of the gay community I never want anyone to go back in the closet, but I am asking all the racists that recently came out to do us all a favor and go back in. I am serious go back into hiding. It’s time for you to live in fear. If you’re white, join me in using our privilege to publicly condemn racism in our country. We owe it to our fellow Americans and our country to stand up and start doing something. We can be inconvenienced and feel a little uncomfortable for once. It’s way beyond the time we should’ve declared and denounced the racism in America. It’s happening in our backyard and our frontyard. We need to stand together and be the country that is the “melting pot” we were taught in grade school. Racism is a learned behavior. We aren’t born to hate. We are born to love."

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu May 28, 2020 2:22 pm

km1125 wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 1:50 pm
lovinlife101 wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 11:06 am
As a member of the gay community I never want anyone to go back in the closet, but I am asking all the racists that recently came out to do us all a favor and go back in. I am serious go back into hiding. It’s time for you to live in fear.
We aren’t born to hate. We are born to love."

but yet he hates racists??
Hypocrite. Table for one.

Rest assured. He will be talked to about this by either his managers or HR. Justifying violence and vandalism is unacceptable. Better screenshot the post. It won't be up forever.

Here are the problems.

1. "If you’re condemning the rioting in Minnesota...are a racist. It’s that simple." Hmmmmm. Okay, so what he's saying here is that only black people are rioting in Minnesota. Isn't that racist? You don't think white people, Hispanics, and other races are using this opportunity to destroy stuff, steal stuff, and let out aggression by destroying someone else's property and putting other lives in danger?

2. "...if you believe there are good people that are white supremacists... then you... are a racist." There are plenty of "good people" that most people disagree with that are good people. Just because someone celebrates their race (as black people do too) doesn't mean they are not good people. Plenty of good people, those who prefer white people over other races, never vandalize, never commit violence, pay taxes, and contribute to the community. What someone believes and what someone does are two things. Plenty of black people say very bad things about white people, and that's never called out here. It goes only one way. In Custer's mind if: a) You are white. b) Celebrate your own race. c) You are a racist and not a good person. d) If you believe there are good people who share your views you are not a good person either and a racist.

3. "If this post I am writing this morning has already offended you... you are a racist." Okay, so now he's the thought police? If you take offense to what he just said (see above), you are a racist and not a good person.

4. If you disagree with him, you are a racist and not a good person.

5. "Just in my forty years (almost) on this planet, to many Americans have been harmed by hate and racism." First off, it's "too." So how many is that? How many Americans have been harmed by hate and racism? And why is he only attributing this to black people who have experienced hate and racism? What about Asians that were rounded up by Americans because we were are war with their country of origin? What about Jewish people that are hated and discriminated against from before WWII to present day? What about Hispanics? Native Americans? Nope! Just black people! And apparently George Floyd was one too many.

6. "None of us white folks... including women and the LGBTQ community... can ever comprehend what black Americans endure in this country. None! Don’t tell me you can, cause it’s not debatable." He's got his fingers in his ears here. He doesn't want to hear any opinion that may disagree with him. Here's the dictionary definition of a bigot: "a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions." Yep, sounds about right.

7. "As a member of the gay community I never want anyone to go back in the closet, but I am asking all the racists that recently came out to do us all a favor and go back in. I am serious go back into hiding. It’s time for you to live in fear." What other group of people want people they disagree with to live in fear? Hmmm. Makes you think. This is intimidation. Why should anyone live in fear for holding any views?

These are only a few of the logical fallacies, inconsistent thoughts, and hypocrisy I saw on first glance. How many can you find?
Last edited by lovinlife101 on Thu May 28, 2020 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu May 28, 2020 2:23 pm

R Bedell wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 2:10 pm
It is his personal opinion. Nothing more or less. Just because he is on TV, does NOT make him an expert, or the value of his opinion more important.
He's trying to make the news. He wants "Gay TV news anchor speaks out about about racism" plastered all over the headlines.

He's entitled to his views as is everyone who disagrees with him.

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu May 28, 2020 2:34 pm

km1125 wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 1:50 pm
lovinlife101 wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 11:06 am
As a member of the gay community I never want anyone to go back in the closet, but I am asking all the racists that recently came out to do us all a favor and go back in. I am serious go back into hiding. It’s time for you to live in fear.
We aren’t born to hate. We are born to love."

but yet he hates racists??
Check out this story: ... inneapolis

See the white people stealing stuff? Yep, me too. But Custer believes if you denounce these white people for looting, you are racist. SMH

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu May 28, 2020 2:41 pm

There you have it. #toldyaso

"UPDATE: I am going to edit this post to say protesting instead of rioting... I believe that none of us support violence or criminal behavior. I support a peaceful protest as that’s our constitutional right. Now, be honest when I ask you... does that change your stance and how you would react to what I am saying in this post about racism?"

Funny how language changes when someone gets called out. #thinkbeforeyouspeak

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu May 28, 2020 7:43 pm

Realist wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 6:54 pm
Regardless of his views, Custer’s smarmy, superior to you TV personality is the biggest reason I don’t watch TV5 for news.
He always makes sure that you realize he’s gay, and therefore he’s:

1. A victim.

2. An expert on race relations.

3. A moral compass.

4. An orator (look it up) on white privilege.

5. Better than you.

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri May 29, 2020 8:47 am

R Bedell wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 8:36 pm

I am NO Custer fan by any stretch, nor a TV5 fan. Can't stand to watch the Custer clown without Peptol Bismol by my side.
You have just articulated what everyone else was thinking.

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri May 29, 2020 8:49 am

MWmetalhead wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 9:13 pm
The fact Custer's original statement was allowed to be published is inexcusable. Yet more proof that TV-5 is a complete shit show!

There are also some nice grammatical nuggets buried within these lines:

Just in my forty years (almost) on this planet, to many Americans have been harmed by hate and racism. This country was founded on a principle that we are all created equal. None of us white folks... including women and the LGBTQ community... can ever comprehend what black Americans endure in this country. None! Don’t tell me you can, cause it’s not debatable.
As the years go on, the standards have fallen.

It used to be:

1. Can you write?
2. Can you articulate clearly?
3. Can you produce?
4. Are you good at finding facts?
5. Are you a person we can get along with?

Now it's:

1. Do you work cheap?

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri May 29, 2020 8:56 am

DAC wrote:
Fri May 29, 2020 1:28 am
Custer is a smarmy hack. I'm sure he would still be a smarmy hack if he was black, straight, plaid, whatever. He thinks way too much of himself. Like 101 said, he's now the "thought police." What grinds my gears is that he might just as well be saying "if you are opposed to violence against innocent people, you are a racist. It would have been so much shorter and easier to read.

How about "If your name is David Custer, you're an idiot." I don't think his peanut sized brain realizes that things like this destroy his credibility. After all, he's bringing "Coverage you can count on" to the very people he's calling racists, is he not?

Incidentally, where was this posted originally?
It was posted originally on Facebook, but edited several times to backpedal from originally saying "condemning rioting is racist."

Even with the editing, he never fixed the grammatical errors. Nice.

He says anyone who believes the media stirs up racial tension means that person is a racist. So making an observation about the media is racist? In other words, "If you believe the media covers racial issues because it garners higher ratings, you're a racist." Or, "Unless you blindly follow the media as if it were a benevolent overlord, you are racist."

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri May 29, 2020 9:48 am

R Bedell wrote:
Fri May 29, 2020 9:06 am
I don't give a Rat's A$$ what Clown Custer thinks or says.
I stand by my statement that he's trying to get fired in order to sue over LGBTQIA+ discrimination.

Lawsuits are the only money to be made in broadcasting these days.

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Fri May 29, 2020 1:56 pm

Unfortunately, Mr. Custer hasn't learned from his own experience.

The media is in a position of power. He says if someone questions the media's motives, that person is a racist. It's "Agree with what we're doing, or we will shame you."

Everybody in a position of power has the temptation to use their power to control others and abuse. Let's hope for improvement in the future.

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:41 am

sinklair wrote:
Sun May 31, 2020 8:41 pm
Custer (and all news types) need to just report the facts. No one cares about our personal opinions. They just want accurate and balanced news coverage. I’m not sure why station managers not only allow it... they encourage “journalists” to sound off on their opinions on topics that they are covering. It’s wrong and unethical. And yes, that’s my OPINION.

Custer called anyone who doesn't follow and support the media blindly "a racist."

He called good, moral, responsible, ethical, civil people who disagree with him "a racist."

This, from someone who bragged about "taking a pay cut" to work at TV5 and refused to work during a ratings period to see a Cher concert.

In case you were wondering, I won't be getting my race relations advice from a gay white man from Goodrich who believes he's from Flint.

Telling people they should "live in fear" and "go back into the closet" is not loving people. He's hating them, just like he says is wrong.

A "bigot" is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Bigot, table for one.

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:49 pm

audiophile wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:09 am
When is his contract up?
Not soon enough.

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Re: Cher's fanboy says condemning rioting and looting is "racist"

Post by lovinlife101 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:53 am

cathouse1974 wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:20 am
Lovinlife101, you're an idiot. And I bet your butthole puckers with excitement every time you watch him.
So what if it does?

It’s pride month! Celebrate!

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