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Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Discussion pertaining to Detroit, Ann Arbor, Port Huron, and SW Ontario
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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by Sherwood420 » Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:56 am

Yeah, it appears we have very similar complaints about the D&M podcast. I will say at first I was kind of excited for the YT thing. WOW. I'm COMPLETELY OVER IT. I swear it's all Andy wants to talk about. I've also noticed it's as if ole Drew almost puts on an act of sorts, for lack of a better description, when he's getting ready for the YT segments. Last week he got all pumped up and excited and was like "is this gonna go on YT"? He's definitely trying to monetize it, as he has talked about that before.

So the last YT video I received was the Rosie O'Donnell one. First off, why have a recap of her podcast?? For real. I'm sure there are not very many D&M listeners that care about Rosie O'Donnell or higher fkkn podcast. The YT segment is 20 minutes long....with KARL. At the beginning, KARL states "who would listen to this show". Yet that fkkn Turd Karl graces us with a rundown of said podcast, ya know, the one Karl said " who would listen to this". KLOWN KARL also stated at one point "I didn't pull any clips". I'm not too sure what he was taking about, but I thought that was his job. So they basically spent 20 minutes talking about Rosie O.....REALLY RELEVANT GUYS!!

KLOWN KARL also with his "bits" about DLR and some dude named Burt Kreisher?? This one was for an hour. Does Karl have pics of Drew?Drew says " I'm really looking forward to hearing Karl's analysis about DLR". WHAT?????? KARLS ANALYSIS🤣🤣🤣🤣

Drew knows his pop culture better than ANYONE I KNOW. So Drew HAS TO KNOW that Rosie O is last centuries news. Yet he has that KLOWN ASS KARL talk about Rosie O for 20 minutes....fkkn RIVETING!!!

I've said it before, I've listened to Drew since like 10th grade. I know he is EXTREMELY talented and very knowledgeable. Maybe it's his cast. I used to be neutral in regards to FARC, not anymore. Now I DESPISE the dude. He's a fkkn complete Debbie Downer, EVERYDAY. Combine that with the fact that he is obviously THE smartest dude to ever do radio. Fkkn dudes a coat-tail rider. Without Drew I DOUBT FARC would be in radio still. Everything FARC says is either him showing how "smart" he is, or just being a better than, condescending prick. I know nothing about him, but to me, he comes across like some rich spoiled dude. I don't know why i say that, I just feel it.

I wonder what ole Andy A pays trudi? They could just record her laughs and play them throughout the show....NO ONE would know the difference. As you stated, the only time I find what she has to say interesting are her Radio stories. The Scaramento one was pretty damn good. Who are YOU PAT GILES?? I'm SURE Andy A is keeping her out of loyalty, cause there is NO other reason for her 1 comment a show. Well, I guess she does babysit Drew's dog.

Aaaaaand back to FARC. TERRIBLE. SMUG.Seems like a TOTAL ASSHOLE. more than likely sniffs his own Thinks because he went to UM he knows more about their programs than anyone else....because we didn't go there. Sticks up for UM no matter the reason or situation.

What boggles my mind is: Drew is SOOOOO GOOOD at what he does. He's fkkn PHENOMENAL. So why surround himself with FARC, KARL and even Trudi anymore.

I feel Bran-Don is a valuable member of the show. I'd LOVE to straight trade Bentley for FARC. I'm sure Jim is busy with his real job tho.

They do occasionally talk about this board on-air. Hopefully Drew reads this, not like it matters. But.....COME ON ANDREW!!!!

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by dial-it-in » Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:13 am

Drew is loyal to a fault; hence Marc.
Imagine a talent like Drew with a real sidekick.

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by mikemach » Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:31 am

Marc does piss me off occasionally, but maybe that is a good thing. If I didn't care, why would I listen? I do really look forward to the Thursday Bentley shows and I like Brandon, but I can't see either of them filling Marc's shoes. Marc really knows pop culture and I feel like he puts in his share of time keeping up with current events as Drew does. Like you guys I do not care at all what Karl has to say, he talks about things that mean nothing to me. Trudi seems nice, she is kind of a West Coast Chanel to the show. This is just my opinion but I don't think Drew would work well with another dominant host, I think he needs to run things. That is why stuff gets heated when he and Marc go at it, and Marc ends up saying "whatever". I still love the podcast when they are talking about things that are interesting to me, and I hit FF when they go on and on about Britney or Karl is on.

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by Sherwood420 » Wed Apr 12, 2023 12:10 am

I will say that Farc has a good knowledge of poo culture. My beef with him is the way he comes across. Again, maybe it's me, but the dude seems VERY arrogant about anything and everything. I used to have really no opinion of him, but not its to the point where I want to ff through him.

Great point about Trudi being the friggin West Coast Chanel of the D&M podcast. Never anything of substance, just a laugh here and there. Also being clueless and not paying attention to the show, when she is on!

I agree as well with the point about Drew not needing another dominant host. That would probably end up being a cluster fuck.

I listen EVERYDAY even tho I bitch about some shit on there. Like today, Drew was again talking about fucking KARL. Drewvwas saying "how great" that Turd ass fuckstain KARLs shows are doing. I'm sure most of the audience doesn't care about special KARL, and im sure the audience doesn't give a flying FUUUUCK how "good" special KARLs shows are doing. I've been saying for awhile that I think Drew is an investor in KARLS SHIT, if nlhe isn't whybthe fuck talk about how "great" KARLS shows are doing.

Please DREW for the fkkkn love of whatever STOP the KARL SHIT!! it's bad enough thus clown comes on once a week or every other week, completely hijacks the show and most of the time it's at least an hour. Of course we get to hear the "talented" Karl rehash some god forsaken podcast and hear Karl act like he's funny and king shit. KARL FKKN BLOWS. Who's Karl gonna have for a podcast next time after the HIGHLY RIVETING ROSIE O'DONNELL....maybe Bette Midler has a podcast and Karl can break it down for us.

Lastly, Drew did....another fkkn top list. This one was the 100 greatest heavy metal songs. I was actually interested in this one....somewhat, as I am or was a pretty big metal head. It was basically Drew reading the list. That was poor and lazy ass radio. Reading lists is old and fkkn RIDICULOUS. Drew even stated he really doesn't know much metal....well why have the fkkn list then. If you are not gonna at least add comments to it, it's BEYOND POINTLESS.

Someone else said something like this. The show could be cut in half and it would be just as good. Cut out the fkkkn "100 top guitarists" and "the 100 greatest metal songs". All he is doing is a fkkn rip and read with really no additional comments. Also if the got rid of that CHODE, KARL, that would cut almost 2 hrs on the days he is on, plus probably 20 minutes of each episode where it seems like Drew HAS TO bring him up.

Also Drew, Shuli is a complete loser. A has been that never was. I'm curious as to why Drew seems fascinated with....SHULI. Drew was even talking about Shuli and his shit ass show one day. You are SOOOO MUCH better than this shit DREW!!!

Tune in tomorrow for the "50 greatest whatevers".....also, KARL.....because Drew seems way too interested/involved in whatever the FUCK that CHODE KARL has going on.

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by yupislyr » Wed Apr 12, 2023 11:42 pm

When it escalated to openly fighting on the show about the youtube bullshit for multiple episodes, whether some of it was jokingly or not, it was beyond cringe. They realize that they can edit some of that out, right?

I've been a regular listener since somewhere near the beginning. I was in grade 9 and listened on the bus to school. And sometime after that I recorded every show so as to not miss anything. But, the recent youtube obsession has finally sent me into hiatus mode with them.

Maybe I'll check it out again in a few months. Maybe not.

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by Alligatorarms » Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:37 pm

yupislyr wrote:
Wed Apr 12, 2023 11:42 pm
When it escalated to openly fighting on the show about the youtube bullshit for multiple episodes, whether some of it was jokingly or not, it was beyond cringe. They realize that they can edit some of that out, right?

I've been a regular listener since somewhere near the beginning. I was in grade 9 and listened on the bus to school. And sometime after that I recorded every show so as to not miss anything. But, the recent youtube obsession has finally sent me into hiatus mode with them.

Maybe I'll check it out again in a few months. Maybe not.
yupislyr man I miss your soundboard🎚
Drew is going to be the victim on an American Greed episode about K💩RL 😢😂

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by mikemach » Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:52 pm

Yes the old Yupislyr site ruled! You were a true superfan Yupi!

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by Sherwood420 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:56 am

The show, for me, is continually getting worse by the day. I find myself ff through about half of every show. To me, Drew has become the definition of a "stereotypical" BOOMER. I know Drew is pretty much old as FUCK t g ese days, I also know he stays up to date onpop culture...for fkk tweets. Seriously, DREW is talking about shit my tweets care about. FLKN STEP IT ANDY ALDRICH! You seem to be getting EXTREMELY LAZY with the show. Let's watch videos that people Listening cannot see....COMPELLING RADIO..?ANDY A, NO, It's fkkn lazy ass radio.?.and ANDY A SHOULD KNOW BETTER. Orrrr, let's do another top list, since u do THEM SEEMINGLY EVERY FKKN DAY. LAZY AS FUCK ANDY. You KNOW BETTER. Of course the KKKARL racist bullshit. I actually heard Drew pretty much suckling KKKARLS SCHLONG the other day, saying "how successful" KKKARL *supposedly* is. He'll, maybe Andrew and Karl are lovers. Honestly Drew SHOULD be under "homo suspicion". We has wanting to see a fkkn nude pic of a dude a few weeks ago. I'm now convinced Drew is KKKARLS lover. This is a show I have listened to religiously for overc25 years. This version is turning into a sad fkkn joke of its former self. Also the fact the Andy will do whatever he can to find stories with right wing slants, pretty much tells me who he is. He's like my dad....fkkn CLUELESS, unless if effects ANDY ALDRICH. Who, let's face it, has turned into the definition of a FKKN BOOMER. Drew, You are SOOO FAR FROM HIP. Take your fkkn chair, set it in your yard, so u can yell about the neighborhood kids and also bit h at the clouds. Drew u used to give a show of compelling content. Now, MAYBE an hour of OK quality, Hearing you BITCH ABOUT CANCEL CULTURENDAILY is beyond fkk old. It's amazing, the people the bitch about cancel culture are fkk out of touch boomers, ANDREW ALDRICH. Drew is a FKK DEFINITION of a SNOWFLAKE. EVERDAY, ANDREW A is WHINING ABOUT SOME fkkn stupid as shit. Trying to rile up the culture war. Today the old fkkn CLOWN, ANDREW it was fkkn BUD LITE. FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT. I've heard him talk about this for a week. Never heard him mention that all those inbred fuckstains with a family tree that is a straight line are the ones "crying" about the world's SHITTIEST BEER. Andrew Aldrich failed to mention that these inbred FUCKS that avoided bud light were in most cases buying Anhueser Busch beers without knowing. Because you know, they are INBRED RACISTS FUCKS. If Drew mentioned that it ruins his whole argument. This show could EASILY be trimmed to a little over an hour and the show wld basically be the same. Mr. ANDREW ALDRICH each and everyday you remind me of my old ass pops, Your getting up there Andy A....u don't leave your house, so I cannot imagine you are all that mentally healthy. Drew LOVES to start a story that FITS PERFECTLY with what we feels and wants to talk about. A couple to few days later when there is more info on that story story, we never hear about it again. Mr. ALDRICH cannot let that happen to his fragile ego. This is a dude that constantly claims about the MSM, yet Ole MR. ALDRICH literally cherry picks what he wants to talk about and how ,uch of that story he wants to cover. And as soon as there is some info that contradicts ANDREW As talking points, we never hear about it again.

Once again, Drew is reminding me more and more daily of my aging father. Mr. BOOMER, ANDREW ALDRICH. Step up and do the show I believe u are still capable of. If not, take that fkkd up hip of yours, do whatever u want, but just fkkN RETIRE....YOU UT OF TOUCH OLD MAN. You are starting to embarrass yourself daily, your shownis turning into people sitting around watching YT 90% of the time anymore...also, I CANNOT FORGET YOUR LOVER....KKKKARL. The former D&M show has turned into a CLOWNED OUT SHIT SHOW!

The show has become so cringeworthy. I mean Drew DOES seem like THE KING OF CRINGE anymore, just rename the show to fkkn CRINGEFEST. At least that name describes the show.....CRINGEFEST🤣

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by mikemach » Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:34 am

^^^Whoooooa you're angry!

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by unscopedaircheck » Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:48 am

Discontinue the lithium

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by Sherwood420 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:12 am

Yes, I do realize I came across as angry. I had a rather long night at work and was TRYING to listen to the D&M podcast. I had been trying to listen at work every night this week, but was unable to get through one show. As a long time listener, I totally understand that obviously everything is not gonna be "for me." With that being said, I find myself facing through more and more. This week I've noticed I've listened to maybe half of their episodes. It's not like I'm so old ass dude that can't get with the times.

I just see a show that I've listened to and enjoyed for so long changing in a way that I don't even really feel like listening anymore. I know, I don't have to listen. I'm also aware that MR. Aldrich can do whatever he likes, as it is HIS SHOW.

For me, ever since the YT shit started the show has gone noticeably down hill. I'm not saying it wasn't going down hill before, but its seems YT has accelerated that. Also, I feel that Drew has turned into a curmudgeon with his hip issue and not being able to really do.much activity. I've always thought of Drew in the same way I think of my Pops...both boomers and both prone to say ridiculous shit from time to time. Hell, Drew has seemingly morphed into the "every boomer' persona. My Pops, who is 74 seems way cooler and hipper that Drew....who inknow cannot be that old. Mr. Aldrich, I hope u get your hip fixed soon and can make a return to public life. Maybe you won't seem so "boomerish" and disgruntled.

As for me and Lithium. NOPE. That would be XANAX! Speaking of which, wherebdid input that bottle of Xanax bars?????

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by unscopedaircheck » Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:18 am

The show has become less of something to look forward to for about the past 2 months.

Karl is a shit bag. No doubt. But I could always ff through him and not have it detract from my enjoyment too much.

Now, between the lists, the YouTube obsession, and true crime, I'd find myself ff'ing through most of the show.

It's sad to see it fall like this.

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by billmich88888 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:14 pm

What's Jim Bentley up to these days? The podcast is in need of his skills

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by Sherwood420 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:04 pm

I believe Benley works at Hall Financial? Sounds like he's doing pretty decent. I've always enjoyed Jim on the show. As a fellow music lover, I enjoy hearing him talk about some bands I've never heard of. I'd trade Marc for Jim ANY DAY. I suspect Bentley makes too much at Hall or Rocket to leave, and i don't blame him.

I know I bitch about the show more than others. I guess it's because I've listened and loved the show for so long. I get it, everything in life changes and I understand that. It just frustrates me that a once GREAT SHOW has turned into.....this. Drew used to say "lowest common denominator radio". Thats what this shit feels like now. LOW TO NO effort. As stated above, Top lists, too much True Crime, Klown boy Karl and of course You Tube. Yet, I'll still listen at work this afternoon. Tho, I'll probably get through the show in about an hour. Glad I found my Xannies.

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Re: Drew & Mike Podcast Complaint Thread

Post by pargoff » Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:42 pm

billmich88888 wrote:
Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:14 pm
What's Jim Bentley up to these days? The podcast is in need of his skills
He's on every Thursday show. Thanks for listening to the podcast.

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