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KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

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Colonel Flagg
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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Colonel Flagg » Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:15 pm

Where was the resistance when your so called "protesters" (many who were from parts unknown) were looting and burning legitimate businesses in Ferguson, MO? The authorities were ordered to stand down, all in the name of political correctness. Many of these people lost everything they had, but hey, so what, as long as it pushes the agenda, right? What went down in Ferguson could have just as easily occurred in Eastpointe, or Auburn Hills. It's not about hatred, or racism. It's about the way people of a certain political ilk handles things, and it's unacceptable.

Elizabeth Warren, Dana Millbank, and every other fruitcake of that persuasion, can bloviate until they run out of air.

While Ferguson burns, ISIS runs rampant, and our healthcare premiums soar, let's forget all of that unimportant stuff, and worry about transgender bathrooms. Brilliant.

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Turkeytop » Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:56 pm

Colonel Flagg wrote:Rave on, limp wristed handwringers. Liberals are just as full of hate and divisiveness. Give me a break. One reason I voted for Trump is because in my twilight years, I could not stand the thought of 8 years of Hillary the Criminal as President, followed by 8 years of that high pitched, shrieking old hag Elizabeth Warren as President. My god, how could anyone in their right mind tolerate THAT?

By the way, the KKK were originally Democrats. If they were still teaching history in school, perhaps you rubes would know this. Hey, maybe Trump can get rid of Common Core too. One can only hope.
Limp wristed? Maybe.

Hand wringer? Maybe.

Pervert? Maybe.

Sniveling bag of rat hair? Maybe.

Liberal? NEVER.

You Liberals and Conservatives are all the same. You both share the same pro-capitalist, anti-working class ideology. Conservatives are, at least, open and forthright about their disdain for the working class. Liberals lie and pretend to be our friends.

Deleted User 8570

Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Deleted User 8570 » Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:01 pm

Turkeytop wrote:
Colonel Flagg wrote:Rave on, limp wristed handwringers. Liberals are just as full of hate and divisiveness. Give me a break. One reason I voted for Trump is because in my twilight years, I could not stand the thought of 8 years of Hillary the Criminal as President, followed by 8 years of that high pitched, shrieking old hag Elizabeth Warren as President. My god, how could anyone in their right mind tolerate THAT?

By the way, the KKK were originally Democrats. If they were still teaching history in school, perhaps you rubes would know this. Hey, maybe Trump can get rid of Common Core too. One can only hope.
Limp wristed? Maybe.

Hand wringer? Maybe.

Pervert? Maybe.

Sniveling bag of rat hair? Maybe.

Liberal? NEVER.

You Liberals and Conservatives are all the same. You both share the same pro-capitalist, anti-working class ideology. Conservatives are, at least, open and forthright about their disdain for the working class. Liberals lie and pretend to be our friends.
I'm none of the 3... what does that make me?

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Turkeytop » Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:06 pm

If you're none of the three, then you must be a pervert or a sniveling bag of rat hair. That pretty much covers all the bases.

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by SaveFerris » Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:22 pm

Turkeytop wrote:If you're none of the three, then you must be a pervert or a sniveling bag of rat hair.
I'd prefer the term "progressive", "berniecrat" if you want.

Also to the earlier comment I don't support any rioting or looting. I'm willing to disavow it. I challenge you to disavow the negative actions committed by the people who are inspired by Trump. I know not everyone that supports Trump is a disgusting evil racist scumbag. It's hard not to feel that way though when you're all so angry and combative. We can throw around words like healing and unity all we want but it's not worth a shit if we're not willing to own up to anything. All the political stuff has far less consequences than the social stuff. Anything you can accuse me of or supporters of my cause of I can find examples of your kind doing similar things. I know you're aware of this. You can play the Ann Coulter "No I'm the victim" game with me all you want. You know what you're doing and I do too. Maybe sometimes I'm guilty of it too. It doesn't help.

Our country is in the midst of a social catastrophe. It doesn't matter what political ideology you subscribe to. You will find videos of anti-Trump demonstrators and Trump supporters doing nasty things. We can keep being hypocritical and blame each other or we can admit there is a problem. It's up to you. I most likely share the same skin color and gender as you. You are most likely older than me. I will be paying for the consequences of your actions far longer than you will be alive. You don't have to care. I'd prefer it if you did though.

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Turkeytop » Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:07 pm

I challenge you to disavow the negative actions committed by the people who are inspired by Trump.
Hey. I'm up to the challenge. I disavow it completely.

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by SaveFerris » Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:17 pm

Turkeytop wrote:
I challenge you to disavow the negative actions committed by the people who are inspired by Trump.
Hey. I'm up to the challenge. I disavow it completely.
Haha all of that wasn't directed at you. I know you're innocent. It's still welcomed though. We should all do this. Disavow the garbage from both sides.

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Bryce » Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:04 pm

Turkeytop wrote: The Trump campaign legitimized hate and bigotry.

Gotta blow the wistle on this my friend.

Hate and bigotry was certainly legitimate well before President Elect T Rump came on the scene.

As a matter of fact, I know someone that is biggoted and filled with hate for people that, when simply trying to provide for their family and feed their children, cross a picket line to work.

There is also this person that is biggoted and filled with hate for people that belong to motorcycle clubs.
New York and Chicago were all in with respect to their sanctuary status — until they were hit with the challenge of actually providing sanctuary. In other words, typical liberal hypocrisy.

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Calvert DeForest » Sat Nov 12, 2016 8:43 am

Bryce wrote:Gotta blow the wistle on this my friend.

Hate and bigotry was certainly legitimate well before President Elect T Rump came on the scene.

As a matter of fact, I know someone that is biggoted and filled with hate for people that, when simply trying to provide for their family and feed their children, cross a picket line to work.

There is also this person that is biggoted and filled with hate for people that belong to motorcycle clubs.
Truth is, some people just aren't happy unless they have something or someone to hate. I've spent a lifetime trying to understand why anyone would waste so much mental and emotional energy on pure hatred for hatred's sake, but sometimes there's just no rational explanation for it. People who perpetually hate don't need a Hillary Clinton or a Donald Trump to legitimize their misguided feelings - they'll always find a reason. It's really sad, because at the end of the day the person their hatred hurts most is the one in the mirror.
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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Y M Ionhere » Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:46 am

Turkeytop wrote:
Colonel Flagg wrote:Rave on, limp wristed handwringers. Liberals are just as full of hate and divisiveness. Give me a break. One reason I voted for Trump is because in my twilight years, I could not stand the thought of 8 years of Hillary the Criminal as President, followed by 8 years of that high pitched, shrieking old hag Elizabeth Warren as President. My god, how could anyone in their right mind tolerate THAT?

By the way, the KKK were originally Democrats. If they were still teaching history in school, perhaps you rubes would know this. Hey, maybe Trump can get rid of Common Core too. One can only hope.
Limp wristed? Maybe.

Hand wringer? Maybe.

Pervert? Maybe.

Sniveling bag of rat hair? Maybe.

Liberal? NEVER.

You Liberals and Conservatives are all the same. You both share the same pro-capitalist, anti-working class ideology. Conservatives are, at least, open and forthright about their disdain for the working class. Liberals lie and pretend to be our friends.
Many working-class folks ARE Conservative. Fields like art and entertainment are dominated by leftists, while the skilled trades tend to appeal to folks with more conservative-leaning values, even if they dont exactly vote that way.
Capitalism is needed for working-class jobs. Socialism is all about excessive taxation and government control, which hinders small businesses that employ working class employees.I cannot see small plumbing or tool and die companies surviving under socialism and its taxation/regulation.
Socialism: get rid of fossil fuels and encourage mass transit.Regulate factories so they fit a strict government environmental policy that limits what it can do. Then let the government decide what products it can make.
Capitalism: Hire 45,000 people to build more cars. Then we'll need thousands more for the factory that builds its components. Oh, and the dealerships. We need to staff those.
Europe is more socialist. Gas prices are high, environmental regulations strict, and public transit is pushed (the city of Paris has been cracking down on private cars, for example). Now, the auto factories are cutting shifts and even closing up. I'm sure that takes its toll on dealerships and small businesses like tire, transmission and auto body shops as well-working-class jobs.
Capitalism also allows consumers to have more freedom of choice, more options. Instead of the government pushing items you dont want, like, for example, compact cars that people wont buy, it allows choice. So buyers who want vans and pickups will actually buy something they like instead of avoiding private transportation altogether because they dont like the limited choices. More freedom and less regulation alllows working-class people in more to have more job opportunities.

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Turkeytop » Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:55 am

Bryce wrote:Gotta blow the wistle on this my friend.

Hate and bigotry was certainly legitimate well before President Elect T Rump came on the scene.

As a matter of fact, I know someone that is biggoted and filled with hate for people that, when simply trying to provide for their family and feed their children, cross a picket line to work.

There is also this person that is biggoted and filled with hate for people that belong to motorcycle clubs.
If I dislike my neighbour because of his race, ethnicity, colour, religion, age, gender or sexual orientation, that is bigotry.

If I dislike my neighbour because he's an a**hole, or because of bad choices he has made in his life, that might make me a troublesome neighbour, but it doesn't make me a bigot.

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Calvert DeForest » Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:18 am

No amount of government regulation will change anything. It's only when we rethink our mindset that things will change.


Most of us (me included....I'm guilty as anyone) shop at big-box stores that pay low wages, sell cheap foreign-made goods, and drive out small businesses. Why? Because we want to save money. Quality? Well, if the cheap Chinese table lamp we bought craps in two weeks, we can just go back to the big-box store and buy another one....and so on....and so on. The lower our wages slide against the ROI, the more money we want to save. The more money we want to save, the more dependent we make ourselves on the big-box stores that sell the cheap crap and pay the low wages. There is a price to Always Low Prices. We don't see that price on the receipt, but we pay it in the end.

Humans are creatures of habit, and only a change in our habits will change things overall. We can't blame Walmart. Walmart only thrives because we walk in the front door. In a free-market economy, the dollar bill in your wallet is the most powerful vote you have!
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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Turkeytop » Sat Nov 12, 2016 1:04 pm

Y M Ionhere wrote:
Turkeytop wrote:
Colonel Flagg wrote:Rave on, limp wristed handwringers. Liberals are just as full of hate and divisiveness. Give me a break. One reason I voted for Trump is because in my twilight years, I could not stand the thought of 8 years of Hillary the Criminal as President, followed by 8 years of that high pitched, shrieking old hag Elizabeth Warren as President. My god, how could anyone in their right mind tolerate THAT?

By the way, the KKK were originally Democrats. If they were still teaching history in school, perhaps you rubes would know this. Hey, maybe Trump can get rid of Common Core too. One can only hope.
Limp wristed? Maybe.

Hand wringer? Maybe.

Pervert? Maybe.

Sniveling bag of rat hair? Maybe.

Liberal? NEVER.

You Liberals and Conservatives are all the same. You both share the same pro-capitalist, anti-working class ideology. Conservatives are, at least, open and forthright about their disdain for the working class. Liberals lie and pretend to be our friends.
Many working-class folks ARE Conservative. Fields like art and entertainment are dominated by leftists, while the skilled trades tend to appeal to folks with more conservative-leaning values, even if they dont exactly vote that way.
Capitalism is needed for working-class jobs. Socialism is all about excessive taxation and government control, which hinders small businesses that employ working class employees.I cannot see small plumbing or tool and die companies surviving under socialism and its taxation/regulation.
Socialism: get rid of fossil fuels and encourage mass transit.Regulate factories so they fit a strict government environmental policy that limits what it can do. Then let the government decide what products it can make.
Capitalism: Hire 45,000 people to build more cars. Then we'll need thousands more for the factory that builds its components. Oh, and the dealerships. We need to staff those.
Europe is more socialist. Gas prices are high, environmental regulations strict, and public transit is pushed (the city of Paris has been cracking down on private cars, for example). Now, the auto factories are cutting shifts and even closing up. I'm sure that takes its toll on dealerships and small businesses like tire, transmission and auto body shops as well-working-class jobs.
Capitalism also allows consumers to have more freedom of choice, more options. Instead of the government pushing items you dont want, like, for example, compact cars that people wont buy, it allows choice. So buyers who want vans and pickups will actually buy something they like instead of avoiding private transportation altogether because they dont like the limited choices. More freedom and less regulation alllows working-class people in more to have more job opportunities.

I notice that, like me, you also make no distinction between Liberals an Conservatives. That's because there is no distinction. They both share the same agenda.

The only difference is that Conservatives are honest about their agenda and Liberals keep theirs hidden, until after they get elected.

Deleted User 8570

Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by Deleted User 8570 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 1:10 pm

Y M Ionhere wrote:
Turkeytop wrote:
Colonel Flagg wrote:Rave on, limp wristed handwringers. Liberals are just as full of hate and divisiveness. Give me a break. One reason I voted for Trump is because in my twilight years, I could not stand the thought of 8 years of Hillary the Criminal as President, followed by 8 years of that high pitched, shrieking old hag Elizabeth Warren as President. My god, how could anyone in their right mind tolerate THAT?

By the way, the KKK were originally Democrats. If they were still teaching history in school, perhaps you rubes would know this. Hey, maybe Trump can get rid of Common Core too. One can only hope.
Limp wristed? Maybe.

Hand wringer? Maybe.

Pervert? Maybe.

Sniveling bag of rat hair? Maybe.

Liberal? NEVER.

You Liberals and Conservatives are all the same. You both share the same pro-capitalist, anti-working class ideology. Conservatives are, at least, open and forthright about their disdain for the working class. Liberals lie and pretend to be our friends.
Many working-class folks ARE Conservative. Fields like art and entertainment are dominated by leftists, while the skilled trades tend to appeal to folks with more conservative-leaning values, even if they dont exactly vote that way.
Capitalism is needed for working-class jobs. Socialism is all about excessive taxation and government control, which hinders small businesses that employ working class employees.I cannot see small plumbing or tool and die companies surviving under socialism and its taxation/regulation.
Socialism: get rid of fossil fuels and encourage mass transit.Regulate factories so they fit a strict government environmental policy that limits what it can do. Then let the government decide what products it can make.
Capitalism: Hire 45,000 people to build more cars. Then we'll need thousands more for the factory that builds its components. Oh, and the dealerships. We need to staff those.
Europe is more socialist. Gas prices are high, environmental regulations strict, and public transit is pushed (the city of Paris has been cracking down on private cars, for example). Now, the auto factories are cutting shifts and even closing up. I'm sure that takes its toll on dealerships and small businesses like tire, transmission and auto body shops as well-working-class jobs.
Capitalism also allows consumers to have more freedom of choice, more options. Instead of the government pushing items you dont want, like, for example, compact cars that people wont buy, it allows choice. So buyers who want vans and pickups will actually buy something they like instead of avoiding private transportation altogether because they dont like the limited choices. More freedom and less regulation alllows working-class people in more to have more job opportunities.
Capitalism would automate these days... the days of hiring those numbers of people plus the ripple effect of the jobs ended in the 70's. Capitalism is over creating massive numbers of jobs...

Thanks for playing... your consolation prize is lots of unemployed folks over 45 with no hope of getting a new job after their factory closed the first time.

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Re: KKK to Stage a Trump Victory Parade

Post by screen glare » Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:15 pm

Y M Ionhere says - the fields of art and entertainment are dominated by LEFTISTS. (BTW - does that include the massive entertainment enterprise of pro sports? And all of its subsidiaries?)

And I never realized until he/she made a brilliant deduction - that the most marketable forms of artistic talent reside more often in human beings who are LEFTISTS.

I feel like a high school social studies teacher - in my now empty classroom - reading a student's answer to an essay question on a midterm exam. And laughing!

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