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Tomcat cart players

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:04 pm
by ramboy
I have 3 tomcat cartridge players that need repair, all 3 have the same problem, I will do my best to explain. When you insert cart everything looks OK yellow stop light comes on, but when you press start it turns off meaning the roller will disengage like its turned off. I unplug the unit then plug it back in and it's back on so it's not the fuse. Backstory I got these from WOMC when they were transferring to audiovolt, also I took home a couple hundred carts with various commercials, sweepers, etc. My purpose was to transfer these carts to CD which I have started, these cart machines did work for a few weeks while I was in the beginning phase of this project, so anyone know what could be wrong and or where I could get them fixed. Thank you in advance.