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Thanksgiving with Family

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:35 pm
by TC Talks
A week ago, after having a covid test, I spent a couple days with my dad who is 86. That will likely be the last time I see him in person for 6 months. At his age, it could be the last time I ever see him. If he gets covid he will most certainly not survive.

As we work on our plans for Thanksgiving, we are wondering how things will be done safely. My kids come from larger cities, and are around younger people their age. I travel quite a bit but actively get covid tests at important intervals.

We will all be meeting at our place in Manhattan, and it is quite a task to make sure we've all been tested and are safe together. We will FaceTime our parents and other relatives.

How are you planning for Thanksgiving?

Re: Thanksgiving with Family

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:02 pm
by MotorCityRadioFreak
I refuse to participate in a super spreader event during a pandemic. My mother met my cousin when she was in town(the one who had COVID previously) on Sunday along with my two aunts and a few others in a small old Polish restaurant. It was foolish. They can meet for Thanksgiving, but our COVID cases and deaths(82 just today) are giving me pause to even leave the house right now. I doubt we will see an improvement in the next two weeks.

Re: Thanksgiving with Family

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 7:04 am
by zzand
This may sound harsh but i am glad both my parents have passed and don't have to deal with Covid. They would not do well with being locked in as they both were on the go as long as their bodies allowed. As for Thanksgiving I will spend it with my children and their families. They test frequently due to their work and I do as well. All their kids are being home schooled so no chance of spread from others at school. We have spent time together and all has gone well.

Re: Thanksgiving with Family

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:50 am
by Bryce
Our plans have changed a bit because of Covid. About a month ago, my daughter, who still lives at home while finishing her Masters, contracted Covid-19. She was quite ill for several days, but fortunately didn't require hospitalization. The people that were at our home during the time it could have been transmitted all self quarantined for the required 14 days. We all got tested on day 4 after the onset of symptoms and again on Day 15. We had set up safety measures in our home, limiting her to her room and one bathroom that no one else used for the duration. Fortunately, no one else tested positive or contracted it from her even though we were under the same roof for the entire time.

Our "kids" only have one set of grandparents left and we were going to have them and an aunt and uncle to our home for Thanksgiving. That group would have kept up just under the 10 person count that is recommended. Because of the Covid situation, the fact that our daughter has resumed normal activity and I have to travel a few days prior to Thanksgiving, we are limiting our celebration to the immediate family. I will be dropping of a laptop, in which I have zoom set up and ready to go, in the grandparents garage so they along with the aunt and uncle can join us remotely.

I will still be smoking a turkey as normal, making my raisin apple stuffing and a lemon meringue pie. The Mrs. handles the rest. I am still deciding if it would be wise to deliver meals to the Grandparents house so we can eat together via zoom without them having to cook. I'm leaning to yes as long as there is no human contact.

Side note on Covid. My otherwise healthy 23-year-old daughter contracted this coronavirus. She was quite ill for several days. Although she is young and in good health, her diet is for shit, doesn't eat vegetables, eats a lot of processed food, fine dining is BWW and she may "cocktail" a bit more than she should. Conversely, the 60+, 50+ and other two people in our household have great dietary habits along with making sure foods with pre and pro-biotics are consumed daily.

I really think proper diet and gut health would go a long way in slowing this thing. But, I bet it hasn't been studied. No one would get paid 1.8 billion dollars for fresh sauerkraut or the variety of other foods that most people skip.

Re: Thanksgiving with Family

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:35 pm
by Getoffmylawn
We had downsized from really big gatherings a few years ago when the stress was causing serious friction between my dad and stepmom. I essentially staged a coup at that time and took over the Thanksgiving planning. From then on, dinner was at our place with 7 people max.

Going to play it by ear this time around and see what the virus conditions are (not that I have much optimism). Very likely we will do what we did for Easter when we cooked everything and made our rounds afterwards dropping off care packages.

Re: Thanksgiving with Family

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:02 pm
by TC Talks
Bryce wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:50 am
I really think proper diet and gut health would go a long way in slowing this thing. But, I bet it hasn't been studied. No one would get paid 1.8 billion dollars for fresh sauerkraut or the variety of other foods that most people skip.
My sister is a doctor of nutrition and has been leading a study in retirement communities specifically on gut health and COVID.

Those centers that have been encouraging diet as you suggest have not had a single case.

It's not that difficult of a diet.

However, we are getting our dinner catered and it won't necessarily be pro-biotic.

Re: Thanksgiving with Family

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:32 pm
by Bryce
TC Talks wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:02 pm

Those centers that have been encouraging diet as you suggest have not had a single case.

It's not that difficult of a diet.

Why isn't this study, and results so far, front and center on every newscast in the nation?

Re: Thanksgiving with Family

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:48 pm
by MotorCityRadioFreak
Bryce wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:32 pm
TC Talks wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:02 pm

Those centers that have been encouraging diet as you suggest have not had a single case.

It's not that difficult of a diet.

Why isn't this study, and results so far, front and center on every newscast in the nation?
Because as real as COVID is, the news media doesn't want it to stop. If we actually could break this thing, they lose ratings wise.

Re: Thanksgiving with Family

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 5:50 am
by TC Talks
Bryce wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:32 pm
TC Talks wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:02 pm

Those centers that have been encouraging diet as you suggest have not had a single case.

It's not that difficult of a diet.

Why isn't this study, and results so far, front and center on every newscast in the nation?
It's not a public research project. It was designed for a private company for their use. It is part of a larger University study, but who knows if they will publish.