I continue to work to restore special features of the site following the software update that began October 14. Standard browsing and posting functionality should be fully restored at this point. Feel free to send me a private message if you encounter any issue.

New Features:
I. The Site Name text appearing at the top of each page is now a clickable hyperlink on both desktop and mobile devices; clicking the link will return you to the main index page of the Buzzboard.
II. You can edit Board Preferences --> Global Settings within your User Control Panel to increase the Buzzboard's font size on your PC, mobile device, or both!
III. You can also edit Board Preferences --> Global Settings within your User Control Panel to choose from an array of different stylesheet templates (the default one is "prosilver"). I may be adding even more options in the days ahead, so feel free to check often.

You can access your User Control Panel upon login or by visiting this link: https://www.mibuzzboard.com/phpBB3/ucp.php
Click the "X" in the upper right corner of this box to conceal this message.

All accepted new user registrations through 8:40a ET on Sunday, October 20 have been activated. Please read the terms of use here prior to posting: ucp.php?mode=terms



Search query

Place + in front of a word which must be found and - in front of a word which must not be found. Put a list of words separated by | into brackets if only one of the words must be found. Use * as a wildcard for partial matches.

Use * as a wildcard for partial matches.

Search options

Select the forum or forums you wish to search in. Subforums are searched automatically if you do not disable “search subforums“ below.


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